Video files
The portions of class involving computer demonstrations will be recorded and posted on this page.
Lecture 1- Intro
Lecture 2- Vectors
Lecture 3- Scripts
Lecture 4- Plotting
Lecture 5- for/while
Lecture 6- funnel
Lecture 7- functions
Lecture 8- no video today. worksheet catch-up
Lecture 9- elseif
Lecture 10- true/false
Extra video- given a vector v, how to list the elements in v that occur at least twice.
Lecture 13- Intro to Computational Complexity
Lecture 14- debugging
Lecture 15- cputime
Lecture 16- Mathematica intro
Lecture 17- Probability estimates
Lecture 18- Coin tosses
Lecture 19- Digits of pi
Lecture 21- Patterns
Lecture 23- random walks
Lecture 24- Invest
Lecture 25- Graphics
Lecture 27- Newton
Lecture 28- Matlab review
Lecture 29- Review