
Find Rubric
Keep in mind that 791 students have already been assessed using this rubric. Changing it will affect their evaluations.
Peer Review Rubric
Peer Review Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Given the URL, check out the website and the video summary. You should grade the website on the requirements above: Is the team name unique to the project? Is the first page not the default one, and is somewhat interesting? Does the team page look cleanly formatted? Overall, does it look like a website with polished content that can shared publicly? Give the appropriate score, and write a paragraph to justify it. You are not supposed to evaluate the technical content of the website when doing this.
threshold: pts
20 pts
Full Marks
18 pts
Very Good
15 pts
12 pts
10 pts
Barely Adequate
8 pts
5 pts
Barely Attempted
0 pts
20 pts
Find the video on the status page, watch it, and evaluate it for the requirements from the video. Primarily, was the video easy to understand and follow? Was the problem setup clear from the video? Was the general approach evident? What did you think of the implementation, does it seem like a reasonable prototype of the goals of the project? As before, provide a grade, and justify it in a paragraph, as the peer evaluator.
threshold: pts
30 pts
Full Marks
27 pts
Very Good
23 pts
18 pts
15 pts
Barely Adequate
12 pts
8 pts
Barely Attempted
0 pts
30 pts
Finally, read the status report, available on the status.html page, and evaluate it for the criteria described above. Was the summary adequate for you to understand the problem? Is the approach described in the appropriate level of detail? Were the experiments evaluating all the aspects of the project you think are important? Are there obvious baselines the group did not take into account? What did you think of the results? Do you think the plan for the next few weeks look reasonable? When providing the grade, justify it by using as many paragraphs as needed (I expect at least one each for the approach and for the evaluation).
threshold: pts
30 pts
Full Marks
27 pts
Very Good
23 pts
18 pts
15 pts
Barely Adequate
12 pts
8 pts
Barely Attempted
0 pts
30 pts
Total Points: 80 out of 80