try: from malmo import MalmoPython except: import MalmoPython import os import sys import time import json import random from tqdm import tqdm from collections import deque import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from numpy.random import randint import torch import torch.nn as nn from import Dataset, DataLoader # Hyperparameters SIZE = 50 REWARD_DENSITY = .1 PENALTY_DENSITY = .02 OBS_SIZE = 5 MAX_EPISODE_STEPS = 100 MAX_GLOBAL_STEPS = 10000 REPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE = 10000 EPSILON_DECAY = .999 MIN_EPSILON = .1 BATCH_SIZE = 128 GAMMA = .9 TARGET_UPDATE = 100 LEARNING_RATE = 1e-4 START_TRAINING = 500 LEARN_FREQUENCY = 1 ACTION_DICT = { 0: 'move 1', # Move one block forward 1: 'turn 1', # Turn 90 degrees to the right 2: 'turn -1', # Turn 90 degrees to the left 3: 'attack 1' # Destroy block } # Q-Value Network class QNetwork(nn.Module): #------------------------------------ # # TODO: Modify network architecture # #------------------------------------- def __init__(self, obs_size, action_size, hidden_size=100): super().__init__() = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(, hidden_size), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(hidden_size, action_size)) def forward(self, obs): """ Estimate q-values given obs Args: obs (tensor): current obs, size (batch x obs_size) Returns: q-values (tensor): estimated q-values, size (batch x action_size) """ batch_size = obs.shape[0] obs_flat = obs.view(batch_size, -1) return def GetMissionXML(): #------------------------------------ # # TODO: Spawn diamonds # TODO: Spawn lava # TODO: Add diamond reward # TODO: Add lava negative reward # #------------------------------------- return ''' Diamond Collector clear ''' + \ "".format(-SIZE, SIZE, -SIZE, SIZE) + \ "".format(-SIZE, SIZE, -SIZE, SIZE) + \ ''' CS175DiamondCollector ''' def get_action(obs, q_network, epsilon, allow_break_action): """ Select action according to e-greedy policy Args: obs (np-array): current observation, size (obs_size) q_network (QNetwork): Q-Network epsilon (float): probability of choosing a random action Returns: action (int): chosen action [0, action_size) """ #------------------------------------ # # TODO: Implement e-greedy policy # #------------------------------------- # Prevent computation graph from being calculated with torch.no_grad(): # Calculate Q-values fot each action obs_torch = torch.tensor(obs.copy(), dtype=torch.float).unsqueeze(0) action_values = q_network(obs_torch) # Remove attack/mine from possible actions if not facing a diamond if not allow_break_action: action_values[0, 3] = -float('inf') # Select action with highest Q-value action_idx = torch.argmax(action_values).item() return action_idx def init_malmo(agent_host): """ Initialize new malmo mission. """ my_mission = MalmoPython.MissionSpec(GetMissionXML(), True) my_mission_record = MalmoPython.MissionRecordSpec() my_mission.requestVideo(800, 500) my_mission.setViewpoint(1) max_retries = 3 my_clients = MalmoPython.ClientPool() my_clients.add(MalmoPython.ClientInfo('', 10000)) # add Minecraft machines here as available for retry in range(max_retries): try: agent_host.startMission( my_mission, my_clients, my_mission_record, 0, "DiamondCollector" ) break except RuntimeError as e: if retry == max_retries - 1: print("Error starting mission:", e) exit(1) else: time.sleep(2) return agent_host def get_observation(world_state): """ Use the agent observation API to get a 2 x 5 x 5 grid around the agent. The agent is in the center square facing up. Args world_state: current agent world state Returns observation: """ obs = np.zeros((2, OBS_SIZE, OBS_SIZE)) while world_state.is_mission_running: time.sleep(0.1) world_state = agent_host.getWorldState() if len(world_state.errors) > 0: raise AssertionError('Could not load grid.') if world_state.number_of_observations_since_last_state > 0: # First we get the json from the observation API msg = world_state.observations[-1].text observations = json.loads(msg) # Get observation grid = observations['floorAll'] grid_binary = [1 if x == 'diamond_ore' or x == 'lava' else 0 for x in grid] obs = np.reshape(grid_binary, (2, OBS_SIZE, OBS_SIZE)) # Rotate observation with orientation of agent yaw = observations['Yaw'] if yaw == 270: obs = np.rot90(obs, k=1, axes=(1, 2)) elif yaw == 0: obs = np.rot90(obs, k=2, axes=(1, 2)) elif yaw == 90: obs = np.rot90(obs, k=3, axes=(1, 2)) break return obs def prepare_batch(replay_buffer): """ Randomly sample batch from replay buffer and prepare tensors Args: replay_buffer (list): obs, action, next_obs, reward, done tuples Returns: obs (tensor): float tensor of size (BATCH_SIZE x obs_size action (tensor): long tensor of size (BATCH_SIZE) next_obs (tensor): float tensor of size (BATCH_SIZE x obs_size) reward (tensor): float tensor of size (BATCH_SIZE) done (tensor): float tensor of size (BATCH_SIZE) """ batch_data = random.sample(replay_buffer, BATCH_SIZE) obs = torch.tensor([x[0] for x in batch_data], dtype=torch.float) action = torch.tensor([x[1] for x in batch_data], dtype=torch.long) next_obs = torch.tensor([x[2] for x in batch_data], dtype=torch.float) reward = torch.tensor([x[3] for x in batch_data], dtype=torch.float) done = torch.tensor([x[4] for x in batch_data], dtype=torch.float) return obs, action, next_obs, reward, done def learn(batch, optim, q_network, target_network): """ Update Q-Network according to DQN Loss function Args: batch (tuple): tuple of obs, action, next_obs, reward, and done tensors optim (Adam): Q-Network optimizer q_network (QNetwork): Q-Network target_network (QNetwork): Target Q-Network """ obs, action, next_obs, reward, done = batch optim.zero_grad() values = q_network(obs).gather(1, action.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) target = torch.max(target_network(next_obs), 1)[0] target = reward + GAMMA * target * (1 - done) loss = torch.mean((target - values) ** 2) loss.backward() optim.step() return loss.item() def log_returns(steps, returns): """ Log the current returns as a graph and text file Args: steps (list): list of global steps after each episode returns (list): list of total return of each episode """ box = np.ones(10) / 10 returns_smooth = np.convolve(returns, box, mode='same') plt.clf() plt.plot(steps, returns_smooth) plt.title('Diamond Collector') plt.ylabel('Return') plt.xlabel('Steps') plt.savefig('returns.png') with open('returns.txt', 'w') as f: for value in returns: f.write("{}\n".format(value)) def train(agent_host): """ Main loop for the DQN learning algorithm Args: agent_host (MalmoPython.AgentHost) """ # Init networks q_network = QNetwork((2, OBS_SIZE, OBS_SIZE), len(ACTION_DICT)) target_network = QNetwork((2, OBS_SIZE, OBS_SIZE), len(ACTION_DICT)) target_network.load_state_dict(q_network.state_dict()) # Init optimizer optim = torch.optim.Adam(q_network.parameters(), lr=LEARNING_RATE) # Init replay buffer replay_buffer = deque(maxlen=REPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE) # Init vars global_step = 0 num_episode = 0 epsilon = 1 start_time = time.time() returns = [] steps = [] # Begin main loop loop = tqdm(total=MAX_GLOBAL_STEPS, position=0, leave=False) while global_step < MAX_GLOBAL_STEPS: episode_step = 0 episode_return = 0 episode_loss = 0 done = False # Setup Malmo agent_host = init_malmo(agent_host) world_state = agent_host.getWorldState() while not world_state.has_mission_begun: time.sleep(0.1) world_state = agent_host.getWorldState() for error in world_state.errors: print("\nError:",error.text) obs = get_observation(world_state) # Run episode while world_state.is_mission_running: # Get action allow_break_action = obs[1, int(OBS_SIZE/2)-1, int(OBS_SIZE/2)] == 1 action_idx = get_action(obs, q_network, epsilon, allow_break_action) command = ACTION_DICT[action_idx] # Take step agent_host.sendCommand(command) # If your agent isn't registering reward you may need to increase this time.sleep(.1) # We have to manually calculate terminal state to give malmo time to register the end of the mission # If you see "commands connection is not open. Is the mission running?" you may need to increase this episode_step += 1 if episode_step >= MAX_EPISODE_STEPS or \ (obs[0, int(OBS_SIZE/2)-1, int(OBS_SIZE/2)] == 1 and \ obs[1, int(OBS_SIZE/2)-1, int(OBS_SIZE/2)] == 0 and \ command == 'move 1'): done = True time.sleep(2) # Get next observation world_state = agent_host.getWorldState() for error in world_state.errors: print("Error:", error.text) next_obs = get_observation(world_state) # Get reward reward = 0 for r in world_state.rewards: reward += r.getValue() episode_return += reward # Store step in replay buffer replay_buffer.append((obs, action_idx, next_obs, reward, done)) obs = next_obs # Learn global_step += 1 if global_step > START_TRAINING and global_step % LEARN_FREQUENCY == 0: batch = prepare_batch(replay_buffer) loss = learn(batch, optim, q_network, target_network) episode_loss += loss if epsilon > MIN_EPSILON: epsilon *= EPSILON_DECAY if global_step % TARGET_UPDATE == 0: target_network.load_state_dict(q_network.state_dict()) num_episode += 1 returns.append(episode_return) steps.append(global_step) avg_return = sum(returns[-min(len(returns), 10):]) / min(len(returns), 10) loop.update(episode_step) loop.set_description('Episode: {} Steps: {} Time: {:.2f} Loss: {:.2f} Last Return: {:.2f} Avg Return: {:.2f}'.format( num_episode, global_step, (time.time() - start_time) / 60, episode_loss, episode_return, avg_return)) if num_episode > 0 and num_episode % 10 == 0: log_returns(steps, returns) print() if __name__ == '__main__': # Create default Malmo objects: agent_host = MalmoPython.AgentHost() try: agent_host.parse( sys.argv ) except RuntimeError as e: print('ERROR:', e) print(agent_host.getUsage()) exit(1) if agent_host.receivedArgument("help"): print(agent_host.getUsage()) exit(0) train(agent_host)