Malmo on MacOS

Useful comment from a student

Hi, the following process got Malmo and all test missions/tutorials to work on my computer which runs MacOS Mojave (10.14.4).

Make sure you have the following prerequisites installed for Mac: Links to an external site.

Then follow these steps (install Anaconda here if you haven't already: Links to an external site.):

  • conda create --name malmo python=3.6 // this creates a new conda environment named "malmo" with python version 3.6 installed
  • conda activate malmo // this activates the environment made above
  • pip3 install malmo
  • Download the following zip (circled in red) from the releases page found here: Links to an external site.Screen%20Shot%202019-04-08%20at%202.15.42%20PM.png
  • Launch Minecraft by doing ./Minecraft/ in the top directory of the downloaded zip.
  • Run any tutorial/test mission you like by typing cd Python_Examples in the root directory of the downloaded zip and then python3 where x is replaced by the tutorial number you would like to run or python3 to run the test mission.

[If you want to exit out of the conda environment, just do conda deactivate]

If you get the following error: Could not resolve net.minecraftforge:forge:, make sure you have the right java version. To install java8, do brew cask install caskroom/version/java8.

Hope that works! :)