Peer Review Instructions
Deadline for submitting peer review is November 20th.
General instructions here: Links to an external site.
When you open the Status Report assignment page, you will see four projects that have been assigned to you. You need to grade all four of these.
For each of these projects, you have to rate and justify according to three criteria. Here are the steps, after clicking on each assigned project:
1. Click on "Show Rubric" on the top left.
2. Rate according to each of the three criteria (Website, Video, Report)
3. Click on the comment for each criterion to add a few sentences justifying your rating. Leave the comments in the rubric, not in the comments box outside, like shown in the instructions.
4. Click on "Save Comment" to complete your peer review. (Note: Once you "Save", it's submitted, you can't resubmit!)
The figure below should help: