Instructional Team and Office Hours


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Instructor Dr. Adrienne Williams (Call me Professor Williams)

Assistant Professor of Teaching, Developmental and Cell Biology

Office Hours:

Mondays 2pm in 1114 NatSci 1

Tuesdays 4pm Links to an external site.


Pronouns: She/Her/Hers


Research Interests: I study how to improve undergraduate student performance in STEM classes (science, technology, engineering, and math). My current projects are focused on measuring the effectiveness of different study strategies.

Personal Interests: My family has a two old Golden Retriever named Lucy. When I'm not trying to teach her to walk on a leash I enjoy Marvel movies, learning photography, and sci-fi and fantasy books.


Teaching Assistant name: Ryan Beshai 
(Call me Ryan)

Discussion Times: Mondays, 9:00-9:50a, 10:00-10:50a, and 11:00-11:50a

Office Hours Time: Tuesdays, 3:00-4:00pm

Office Hours Zoom Link: Links to an external site.

Zoom Passcode: Bio93Hours

Email address:

Pronouns: he/him

Graduate student program: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

Research Interests: I'm generally interested in invasive species dynamics and am currently researching how whether the simultaneous presence of multiple invasive species in a community makes it more or less invisible. 

Personal Interests: I love being outside, and you're likely to see me out hiking, climbing, or mountain biking on the weekend.


Teaching Assistant name:  Melanie Hacopian
(Call me Melanie )

Discussion Times: Mondays 2-2:50p, 3-3:50p, 4-4:50p

Office Hours time: Fridays at 10am Links to an external site.
Passcode: 892730

Email address:

Pronouns:  she/her

Graduate student program: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Research Interests: My projects involve tracking changes in evolution and gene expression in fungi under climate change

Personal Interests:  I really enjoy cats, playing piano, picnicking outdoors, and learning about language


Teaching Assistant name: Sydney Prange
(Call me Sydney )

Discussion Times: Wednesday 9:00am-9:50am, 10am-10:50am, 11:00am-11:50am

Office Hours time: Mondays 11:40am-12:40pm Links to an external site.

 Office Hours Meeting ID: 984 0201 2776     Office Hours Meeting Password: bio93vibes

Email address:

Pronouns:  she/her/hers

Graduate student program: Developmental and Cell Biology

Research Interests: I study how neurodegenerative disease and aging impact a neurons ability to regenerate dendrites following injury.

Personal Interests: I love my two cats, playing video games, watching bad movies, listening to true crime podcasts, and trying new foods!


Teaching Assistant name:  Lydia Dean
(Call me Lydia)

Discussion Times: Tuesdays 12-12:50p, 1-1:50p, 2-2:50p

Office Hours time: Tuesdays 3 - 4pm Links to an external site.  Passcode: Bio93

Email address: 

Pronouns:  she/her

Graduate student program: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Research Interests: I am interested in the trophic interactions between plants, insects, and birds.

Personal Interests:  I love getting outside and playing tennis, swimming, hiking, and my favorite thing: birdwatching. I also love to read and watch sci-fi & fantasy genres, as well as try new restaurants & explore! 


Teaching Assistant name:  Andrea Hernandez
(Call me Andrea)

Discussion Times: Th 2:00-2:50 PM, 3:00-3:50PM, 4:00-4:50PM

Office Hours time: Monday's 3:00-4:00 PM via ZOOM Links to an external site.

One tap mobile
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Email address:

Pronouns:  she/her

Graduate student program: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Research Interests: Fungi, genetics, evolution, restoration, and how those topics are affected by climate change

Personal Interests:  I love Nintendo, Kirby, Zelda, reading manga, making pixel art, deadmau5, and Doja Cat (lol). I enjoy animated shows like She-ra and Adventure Time and subbed animation (like Hunter x Hunter, Soul Eater, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, etc. ). I also enjoy learning how to code! And of course, I love science :-)


Teaching Assistant name:  Shelby Lee
(Call me Shelby )

Discussion Times:  M 3:00-3:50 PM , 4:00-4:50 PM

Office Hours time: Wednesday 4-5pm Links to an external site.

Meeting ID: 910 4858 2997
Passcode: 884693

Email address:

Pronouns:  she/her/hers

Graduate student program: MEPN (Master's Entry Program in Nursing) with a concentration in Population and Community Health

Research Interests: Neonates and Pediatrics 

Personal Interests:  I love to be outside! The beach is my favorite place and I try to go as often as I can. I like to exercise and make sure to fit it in everyday! I love to run, mountain bike, and be active. I am usually up for anything! 


Teaching Assistant name:  Wesley Dayton
(Call me Wesley or Wes )

Discussion Times: Fridays 2:00pm-2:50pm, 3:00pm-3:50pm, 4:00pm-4:50pm

Office Hours time:  (Zoom Meeting) Mondays 4:00pm-5:00pm -Join Zoom Meeting Links to an external site.

Meeting ID: 760 194 5600

Passcode: 541956

Email address:

Pronouns:  he/him

Graduate student program: MEPN (Master's Entry Program in Nursing) with a concentration in Population and Community Health

Research Interests: Public Health, Substance use and treatment, HIV and HEP C prevention and care

Personal Interests:  I love hanging out with my dog Louie, riding bikes, swimming, reading, spending time with family, cooking, and eating!



Teaching Assistant name:  Janelle Bohey
(Call me Janelle )

Discussion Times: Wednesday 3:00pm-3:50pm, 4:00pm-4:50pm, 5:00pm-5:50pm

Office Hours time: Thursday 3pm-4pm Links to an external site. 

Email address:

Pronouns:  She/Her/Hers

Graduate student program: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

Research Interests: I study evolutionary rescue in natural populations of Ipomopsis aggregata at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory in the Colorado Mountains.

Personal Interests: I enjoy being outdoors and typically spend my free time at the beach, hiking, camping, or traveling. I also enjoy going to farmers markets and plant shops to find new and interesting house plants.


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Teaching Assistant name:  Zachary Greenspan
(Just don't call me late for dinner )

Discussion Times: Thursday 9:00am-9:50am, 10am-10:50am, 11:00am-11:50am

Office Hours time: Mondays 9:00-9:50am Links to an external site.

Password: SecretKnoc

Email address:

Pronouns:  He/Him/His

Graduate student program: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Research Interests: Evolution and genetics (in general and of aging) using a system of Drosophila melanogaster populations with different life cycles

Personal Interests:  I have a smattering of interests. Lego, board games, cats, etc. However, probably my largest interest is stories. Can't get enough of them. Sci-Fi/Fantasy is a standout with some of my favorite authors like N.K. Jemisin or Seanan McGuire however, I do like to branch out in medium and genre. I'm currently pushing A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik and ya'll should read it if you like good interesting books.

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Teaching Assistant name:  Nick Scales
(Call me Nick!)

Discussion Times: 

Day Time TA LA
5224 Tuesday 9:00- 9:50 Nick Nicholas
5225 Tuesday 10:00-10:50 Nick Nicholas
5226 Tuesday 11:00-11:50 Nick Dario

Office Hours time: Mondays 2:30-3:30pm Links to an external site.

Meeting ID: 919 1286 0993
Passcode: 684784

Email address:

Pronouns:  He/Him/His

Graduate student program: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

Research Interests: My research focuses on microbiomes (the collections of bacteria and fungi and viruses that are found everywhere and are essential to life on earth!)

I am interested in how climate change will affect the function of these communities.

Personal Interests: My lovely little dog, eating, reading, camping, playing soccer, laying in bed watching tiktok for hours, politics, plants, wine, and the list goes on!

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Teaching Assistant name: Wesley Groves
(Call me Wes)

Discussion Times: Fridays, 9:00-9:50a, 10:00-10:50a, 11:00-11:50a

Office Hours time: Tuesdays 3:00-4:00p Links to an external site.

Meeting ID: 530 613 3013
Passcode: science

Email address:

Pronouns:  He/Him/His

Graduate student program: Biomedical Engineering

Research Interests: My research project focuses on developing strategies to create engineered living materials (ELMs). Basically, I engineer bacterial cells to produce a protein of interest and try to chemically incorporate these cells into a polymer network. 

I aspire to make living materials that can help remediate damaged ecosystems.

Personal Interests: I enjoy gardening, biking around, watching garbage reality television, playing video games, hanging out at the beach, and spending time with friends and family