Pre-lecture Reading Assignment: Acid Base Part 2

Quick Intro

In the previous lesson we learned how to compare acids and bases using pKa values, but we don't always have pKa values available! Next we will learn to look at the structural features of molecules to compare acids and bases.



  • Predict relative strengths of acids and bases using molecule structure. Remember:
    • element (what element is the potential acid H attached to)
    • inductive (electron-withdrawing elements nearby, but NOT directly attached to the acidic H)
    • resonance (is the conjugate base stabilized by resonance)
    • hybridization (if all other things are equal, what is the hybridization of the atom directly attached to the acidic H)
  • Provide reasoning for acid or base strength predictions.


Associated Reading

  • Smith 3rd ed: Ch 2.3-2.4
  • Smith 4th ed: Ch 2.3-2.4
  • Smith 5th ed: Ch 2.3-2.5
  • Smith 6th ed: Ch 2.3-2.5


Your Tasks

Before Class

  • Complete assigned reading.
  • Get the worksheet for the lecture.

After Class

  • Work on more problems.
  • Go to a discussion section and/or office hours.
  • Review any areas that you struggled with on in-class activities.