Pre-lecture Reading Assignment: Introduction to Alkanes
Quick Intro
We've reviewed many fundamental needed to understand organic chemistry. Now it's time to learn about the backbones of all organic molecules - the carbon-carbon skeleton. We'll start out learning about molecules containing only carbons and hydrogens with no pi bonds. These molecules are called alkanes. Molecule structures can be difficult to describe, and we need to have a way to communicate structure information in words. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) created a systematic way of naming molecules so all chemists can communicate with each other. We will learn the fundamentals of IUPAC naming for alkanes.
- Identify simple alkanes
- Name simple alkanes
- Identify types of carbons in alkanes
- Predict reactions of alkanes
- Name alkanes using IUPAC rules
Associated Reading
- Smith 3rd ed: Ch 4.1-4.6, 4.8, 4.11, 4.14
- Smith 4th ed: Ch 4.1-4.6, 4.8, 4.11, 4.14
- Smith 5th ed: Ch. 4.1-4.6, 4.8, 4.11, 4.14
- Smith 6th ed: Ch. 4.1-4.6, 4.8, 4.11, 4.14
Your Tasks
Before Class
- Complete assigned reading.
- Get the worksheet for the lecture.
After Class
- Work on more problems.
- Go to a discussion section and/or office hours.
- Review any areas that you struggled with on in-class activities.