Pre-lecture Reading Assignment: Acyclic Conformers

Quick Intro

Because molecules experience free rotation around single bonds, alkanes can exist in many different configurations called conformers (not the same as isomers). These conformers have different levels of energy and will be important later in understanding some types of reactions. We will use physical model kits (3-D)* and drawing on paper (2-D) to understand these different types of conformers and their relative energies.

* You are going to need a physical model kit for class, and you will be allowed to use your models on quizzes and exams. If buying a model kit or borrowing one from a friend is not an option for you, please talk to Professor Sim!


  • Identify the types of strain present in different conformers of an acyclic molecule.
  • Estimate the quantity of strain present in a particular conformer.
  • Qualitatively compare relative energies of different conformers.
  • Draw Newman projections for acyclic molecules.


Associated Reading

  • Smith 3rd ed: Ch 4.9-4.10
  • Smith 4th ed: Ch 4.9-4.10
  • Smith 5th ed: Ch 4.9-4.10
  • Smith 6th ed: Ch 4.9-4.10


Your Tasks

Before Class

  • Complete assigned reading.
  • Get the worksheet for the lecture.

After Class

  • Work on more problems.
  • Go to a discussion section and/or office hours.
  • Review any areas that you struggled with on in-class activities.