Pre-lecture Reading Assignment: Cyclic Conformers
Quick Intro
Cyclic alkanes have different types of conformers than acyclic alkanes. We will focus on 6-membered rings (cyclohexanes) and their chair conformations. You will need a phyiscal model kit in class to help understand these three-dimensional structures and translate them into two -dimensional drawings.
- Identify the types of strain present in different cycloalkanes.
- Draw both chair conformers for cyclohexane.
- Draw chair conformers for substituted cyclohexane derivatives.
- Perform "chair flips" for cyclohexan derivatives.
- Distinguish between relative energies for different conformers of cyclohexane derivatives and explain the cause of the energy difference.
Associated Reading
- Smith 3rd ed: Ch 4.11-4.13
- Smith 4th ed: Ch 4.11-4.13
- Smith 5th ed: Ch 4.11-4.13
- Smith 6th ed: Ch 4.11-4.13
Your Tasks
Before Class
- Complete assigned reading.
- Get the worksheet for the lecture.
After Class
- Work on more problems.
- Go to a discussion section and/or office hours.
- Review any areas that you struggled with on in-class activities.