Pre-lecture Reading Assignment: NMR Spectroscopy Fundamentals

Quick Intro

The spectroscopy tool used most often by organic chemists in Nuclear Magentic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR). This tool can tell us about the carbon backbone of a molecule, the types of hydrogens in a molecule, and details about the functional groups in a molecule. Did you know NMR for molecules works just like MRI on people? It's the same technology and relies on the same chemical and physical principles. 



  • Briefly explain how NMR spectroscopy works in general terms.
  • List the four types of information available from 1H NMR spectra.


Associated Reading

  • Smith 3rd ed: Ch 14.1
  • Smith 4th ed: Ch 14.1
  • Smith 5th ed: Ch 14.1
  • Smith 6th ed: Spectroscopy C.1


Your Tasks

Before Class

  • Complete assigned reading.
  • Get the worksheet for the lecture.

After Class

  • Work on more problems.
  • Go to a discussion section and/or office hours.
  • Review any areas that you struggled with on in-class activities.