Pre-lecture Reading Assignment: Interpreting NMR Spectra

Quick Intro

Now that we know how to find all of the clues in a 1H NMR spectrum, let's practice putting them together to solve a structure puzzle.



  • Extract information from a 1H NMR spectrum.
  • Organize information from spectra.
  • Create molecule fragments from data.
  • Assemble a molecular structure from fragments.


Associated Reading

  • Smith 3rd ed: Ch 14.10
  • Smith 4th ed: Ch 14.10
  • Smith 5th ed: Ch 14.10
  • Smith 6th ed: Spectroscopy C.10


Your Tasks

Before Class

  • Complete reading.
  • Get the worksheet for the lecture.

After Class

  • Work on more problems.
  • Go to a discussion section and/or office hours.
  • Review any areas that you struggled with on in-class activities.