LARC Tutoring
LARC tutoring:
My name is Malik Makhlouf, and I am the LARC tutorial leader assigned to Professor Sim’s Chem 51A lecture. I am a 4th year BME student, and my favorite aspect of organic chemistry is synthesis of products. As a LARC tutorial leader, I attend the lectures and design interactive lesson plans, worksheets, and in general facilitate further learning centered around the course material. By implementing active learning strategies and peer focused collaboration, the goal is to elevate students' knowledge of ochem while enhancing their approach to studying.
I lead three sessions that meet twice a week: M/W 1:00–1:50pm (ALP 3750), T/Th 10:00–10:50am & 11:00–11:50am (NS1 1206). To enroll or find out more information about LARC visit If you have any questions feel free to email me at