Course Project Information
Presentation Schedule:
NOTE: Each project has 10 mins to present. Please email your slides to before class.
3/14 (Tuesday):
- Karim Barada: Compiler-Assisted GPU Optimizations
- Ziang Chen: Hardware Acceleration for Edge Computing with AI engagement
- Bhavya Chunchu: Debugging techniques and tools for Hardware Accelerators
- Timothy Do: FPGA-Based Image Accelerators for Optimizing Convolutional Operators
- Yaoze Zhang, Zhipei He: AES Algorithm Accelerator by Using HLS Tools
- Asma Khan: Compilers for DNN Accelerators
Survey link for Tuesday Presentations: Links to an external site.
3/16 (Thursday):
- Shengqi Li: FPGA-based Deep Neural Network Accelerators
- Xinyi Tang, Yiming Shen: Review of Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs) Based on FPGAs
- Mrudul Shailesh Sonawane: Dynamic and Partial Reconfigurability of FPGA
- Yuanzhe Zhang, Jinwen Wu: The Optimization of Matrix Multiplication
- Haocheng Xu: HLS-RISC: High-Level Synthesis For RISC-V AI/ML Accelerator
- Valen Yamamoto: Design Space Exploration of For Loops in PyLog for High Level Synthesis
Survey link for Thursday presentations: Links to an external site.
Final Report
- Double-column, use ACM conference paper template Links to an external site..
- Suggested length: single-student project: 4 or more pages, two-student project: 6 or more pages.
- Include links to your source code (if any)
- Please proofread your report before submission
- General expectation: research-paper quality
- 40% of the total course final grade
- Proposal (10%) + Presentation & Report (30%)
Report Content:
(for option (a) literature review projects: )
- Title
- Abstract
- Introduction (background, motivation, topic ranges of your review, etc.)
- Contribution (the unique contributions of your review, how will your review benefit future researchers)
- Detailed reviews of various topics/sub-fields/categories
- Summary
- Future research opportunities in the field
- List of references
(for option (b) compiler & accelerator projects: )
- Title
- Abstract
- Introduction (background, motivation, problem definition, etc.)
- Contribution (the unique contributions of your project, how will your work benefit future researchers)
- Related Works
- Your Approach/Method
- Experimental Results
- Conclusion
- Future Works
- List of references
Grading Rubrics:
(for option (a) literature review projects: )
- Workload (20%)
- Coverage/Completeness of the review (20%)
- Discussion in the review (20%)
- Technical contribution (10%)
- Presentation/Report quality (30%)
(for option (b) compiler & accelerator projects: )
- Workload (20%)
- Completeness (20%)
- Technical contribution/novelty (20%)
- Reproducibility/technical soundness (10%)
Winter 2022 Projects:
- Hardware Accelerator Architecture for Imaging Tracking (Yun-Hsuan Kuo)
- Review of DNN accelerators based on FPGA (Xiaofang Zhang)
- A Universal FPGA Reconfigurable Computing Schema (Zeqiang Zheng)
- FPGA Overlay Architectures (Kenny Tang)
- Reversible water marking (using VHDL) (Kartik Jain, Mansi Chauhan)
- Optimization of hls4ml: an automatic NNs-to-HLS translation workflow (Yifan Zhang, Yuhui Li)
- A Compiler for Associate Processors (Rachid Karami, Mariam Rakka)
- FIR Hardware Accelorators (Calder Staude)
- Comparison of the performance between the HLS tools and manually RTL code (Hongzheng Tian)
- HLS Debugging and Verification: literature review (Tianyu Yu)
- RaTriCounter: solution to solving Triangle-Counting (Yoonha Cha, Seongyoung Kang)
- Review of Resistive Memory-based Accelerators on Neural Networks Training and Inference (Ye Qiao, Andrew Ding)