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Gradescope supports variable-length assignments (problem sets & projects) as well as fixed-template assignments (worksheets, quizzes, bubble sheets, and exams).

Total Points
Correct: OR
Partial credit: An answer that has the form but where x is some variable that is either out of scope, or an inappropriately declared instance variable.
Partial credit for answer with logic errors:
This will add the factor rather than replacing it.
This answer confuses index and value.
No credit for various incorrect answers. a few samples:
Correct answer with a syntax error:

Total Points
Problem setup (diagram or explanation)
Identify the lower limit
Identify the height limit
Clear explanation but incorrect answer

Total Points
You had trouble calculating Now that we have spent some time practicing how to integrate, go back and look over this.
Why not? What is the big difference? Can you use the net change lens to justify this?
There actually is enough information. You need to split the integrals up.
I see that you are applying FTOC II, but you got the antiderivative of incorrect.
Small arithmetic mistake

Total Points
Correct: make enolate, kick out hydroxide (e1cb), make enamine anion, neutralize.
Partial: make enolate
Partial: kick out hydroxide (like e1cb)
Partial: make enamine anion
Partial: neutralize nitrogen
Penalty: positively charged intermediate

Total Points
Citrate (citric acid) is the first intermediate of the Krebs Cycle [where it is ultimately catabolized to CO2 and oxaloacetic acid.
However, the citrate test does not detect the ability of an organism to perform the Krebs cycle.
It detects the ability of the organism to obtain citrate from the environment and use it.
Thus, an organism could synthesize its own citrate in the Krebs cycle, but not be able to use citrate from the environment because it lacks the ability to transport it into the cell.

Total Points
Correct interleaving concept
Correct interleaving of multiple inputs
Abused interleavers (too many outputs/inputs)
Well-formed ("balanced" latch count)
Correct extra stages for long-latency interleaved approach
Not including latch for each input / extra latches if assuming interleavers latch
Correctly on budget
In budget if not counting initial components
Consistently optimal
Not optimal because could have pipelined more given assumptions
Something here, but mostly off

Total Points
initial balanced investment incorrect
initial actual investment incorrect
final balanced investment incorrect
final actual investment incorrect
final output or capital per worker incorrect
initial output or capital per worker incorrect
Missing or incorrect shift in balanced investment or another curve.
Missing axes labels.
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