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Gradescope helps you seamlessly administer and grade all of your assessments, whether online or in-class. Save time grading and get a clear picture of how your students are doing.

Harvey Mudd CollegeHarvardGeorgia TechErasmus University RotterdamDuke UniversityUC DavisCornell UniversityJames Madison UniversityUC IrvineUniversity of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoUniversity of IcelandUniversity of North CarolinaNew York UniversityMITUniversity of MichiganUniversity of MarylandUC Los AngelesJohns HopkinsPurdue UniversityUniversity of PennsylvaniaOregon State UniversityThe University of OklahomaNorth Carolina State UniversityStanford UniversityUniversity of Southern CaliforniaRutgers UniversityUC RiversideUC Santa BarbaraUC San DiegoUniversity of WashingtonTexas A&MUniversity of TexasVanderbilt UniversityUniversity of Texas at AustinColumbia UniversityUC BerkeleyArizona State UniversityCarnegie Mellon UniversityUniversity of British Columbia
Questions Graded

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Gradescope supports variable-length assignments (problem sets & projects) as well as fixed-template assignments (worksheets, quizzes, bubble sheets, and exams).

Sample Computer Science submission

Total Points

5.0 / 10.0 pts
Grading comment:

Correct: this.set(this.size()-1, i)\texttt{this.set(this.size()-1, i)} OR set(size()-1, i)\texttt{set(size()-1, i)}

Grading comment:

Correct: this.remove(this.size()-1)\texttt{this.remove(this.size()-1)} this.addFactor(i)\texttt{this.addFactor(i)}

Grading comment:

Partial credit: An answer that has the form x.set(x.size()-1, i)\texttt{x.set(x.size()-1, i)} but where x is some variable that is either out of scope, or an inappropriately declared instance variable.

Grading comment:

Partial credit for answer with logic errors:

this.add(this.size()-1, i)\texttt{this.add(this.size()-1, i)} This will add the factor rather than replacing it.

set(this.get(this.size()-1), i)\texttt{set(this.get(this.size()-1), i)} This answer confuses index and value.

Grading comment:

No credit for various incorrect answers. a few samples: lastFactor = i;\texttt{lastFactor = i;} this.f.set(f.getSize()-1, i)\texttt{this.f.set(f.getSize()-1, i)}

Grading comment:

Correct answer with a syntax error: set(this.size()-1, int i)\texttt{set(this.size()-1, int i)}

Question and rubric courtesy of
Phill Conrad
Sample Physics submission

Total Points

8.5 / 10.0 pts
Grading comment:

Problem setup (diagram or explanation)

Grading comment:

m=715fringesm = 7 \rightarrow 15\, \text{fringes}

Grading comment:

mλ=dsinθm \lambda = d \sin{\theta}

Grading comment:

sin901limit to fringes\sin{90} \leq 1 \rightarrow \text{limit to fringes}

Grading comment:

Identify the lower limit 3.33μm3.33\, \mu m

Grading comment:

Identify the height limit 3.8μm3.8\, \mu m

Grading comment:

Clear explanation but incorrect answer

Grading comment:


Question and rubric courtesy of
Kenneth Walsh
Sample Math submission

Total Points

0.5 / 1.0 pts
Grading comment:


Grading comment:

You had trouble calculating 12xdx\int_{-1}^2 x dxNow that we have spent some time practicing how to integrate, go back and look over this.

Grading comment:

21xdx12xdx\int_2^{-1} x dx \neq \int_{-1}^2 x dxWhy not? What is the big difference? Can you use the net change lens to justify this?

Grading comment:

There actually is enough information. You need to split the integrals up.

Grading comment:

I see that you are applying FTOC II, but you got the antiderivative of xx incorrect.

Grading comment:

Small arithmetic mistake

Grading comment:


Question and rubric courtesy of
Brendan Kelly
Sample Chemistry submission

Total Points

5.0 / 10.0 pts
Grading comment:

Correct: make enolate, kick out hydroxide (e1cb), make enamine anion, neutralize.

Grading comment:

Partial: make enolate

Grading comment:

Partial: kick out hydroxide (like e1cb)

Grading comment:

Partial: make enamine anion

Grading comment:

Partial: neutralize nitrogen

Grading comment:


Grading comment:

Penalty: positively charged intermediate

Question and rubric courtesy of
Pete Marsden
Sample Biology submission

Total Points

6.0 / 8.0 pts
Grading comment:

Citrate (citric acid) is the first intermediate of the Krebs Cycle [where it is ultimately catabolized to CO2 and oxaloacetic acid.

Grading comment:

However, the citrate test does not detect the ability of an organism to perform the Krebs cycle.

Grading comment:

It detects the ability of the organism to obtain citrate from the environment and use it.

Grading comment:

Thus, an organism could synthesize its own citrate in the Krebs cycle, but not be able to use citrate from the environment because it lacks the ability to transport it into the cell.

Grading comment:


Question and rubric courtesy of
Jordan Moberg-Parker
Sample Engineering submission

Total Points

24.0 / 33.0 pts
Grading comment:

Correct interleaving concept

Grading comment:

Correct interleaving of multiple inputs

Grading comment:

Abused interleavers (too many outputs/inputs)

Grading comment:

Well-formed ("balanced" latch count)

Grading comment:

Correct extra stages for long-latency interleaved approach

Grading comment:

Not including latch for each input / extra latches if assuming interleavers latch

Grading comment:

Correctly on budget

Grading comment:

In budget if not counting initial components

Grading comment:

Consistently optimal

Grading comment:

Not optimal because could have pipelined more given assumptions

Grading comment:

Something here, but mostly off

Question and rubric courtesy of
Mattan Erez
Sample Economics submission

Total Points

7.0 / 8.0 pts
Grading comment:


Grading comment:

initial balanced investment incorrect

Grading comment:

initial actual investment incorrect

Grading comment:

final balanced investment incorrect

Grading comment:

final actual investment incorrect

Grading comment:

final output or capital per worker incorrect

Grading comment:

initial output or capital per worker incorrect

Grading comment:

Missing or incorrect shift in balanced investment or another curve.

Grading comment:

Missing axes labels.

Question and rubric courtesy of
Ray Hawkins

Use Your Existing Assignments

No need to alter your assignments. Grade paper-based, digital, and code assignments in half the time.

Scan Student Work
Scan Student Work
It pays off: saves time overall, prevents cheating, and frees your office of old exams.
Grade Submissions
Grade Submissions
Give detailed feedback while maintaining consistency with a flexible rubric.
Send & Export Grades
Send & Export Grades
Send grades to students with a click or export them to your own gradebook.
Get Detailed Analytics
Get Detailed Analytics
Get per-question and per-rubric statistics to understand how your students are doing.
Students Submit Work
Students Submit Work
Students upload PDFs or photos of their work. We support variable-length assignments.
Grade Submissions
Grade Submissions
Give detailed feedback while maintaining consistency with a flexible rubric.
Send & Export Grades
Send & Export Grades
Send grades to students with a click or export them to your own gradebook.
Get Detailed Analytics
Get Detailed Analytics
Get per-question and per-rubric statistics to understand how your students are doing.
Students Upload Code
Students Upload Code
Easily manage code submissions. Students can submit from Github and Bitbucket.
Grade Submissions
Grade Submissions
Provide immediate feedback with your autograder. You can also manually grade code with inline comments.
Send & Export Grades
Send & Export Grades
Send grades to students with a click or export them to your own gradebook.
Get Detailed Analytics
Get Detailed Analytics
Get per-question and per-rubric statistics to understand how your students are doing.
Create Your Answer Key
Create Your Answer Key
Set point values and partial credit options for each question, adjust later as needed.
Scan Bubble Sheets
Scan Bubble Sheets
Batch student bubble sheets and Gradescope automatically separates them by test version.
Gradescope Grades Bubble Sheets
Gradescope Grades Bubble Sheets
Bubble sheets are auto-graded according to your answer key. You confirm the marks.
Export Grades & Analytics
Export Grades & Analytics
Send grades to your students or gradebook and view item analysis data and other statistics.

Quick, Flexible Grading

Apply detailed feedback with just one click. Make rubric changes that apply to previously graded work.

Armando Fox
"Gradescope has revolutionized how instructors grade I don't use that word a lot, but once you've used this tool, there's no going back."
Armando Fox
University of California
Romulo Chumacero
"With Gradescope, it is a pleasure to grade. What took me 2-3 hours, I can do now in 15 minutes."
Romulo Chumacero
University of Chile
J. Patrick McKinzie
"One of the best things about the experience was that I could learn and adjust what & how I wanted to grade as I viewed students' answers and they came up with things I had not anticipated."
J. Patrick McKinzie
Minnesota State University

Gain Valuable Insight

See question and rubric-level statistics to better understand what your students know. Easily export grades and data.

Katie Johnson
"The statistics really help me understand what I can teach differently next time to help my students learn better."
Katie Johnson
Florida Gulf Coast
Cliff Shaffer
"The best thing is having the scoring details inline. This lets us share more with the students. And later, we can analyze how well the questions worked when we are not in the middle of the grading rush."
Cliff Shaffer
Computer Science
Virginia Tech
Joanna Klukowska
"Gradescope helps me to be a more uniform grader and to adjust scoring even after most of the exams have been graded. It gives me quick per question, or even per mistake, statistics to better assess how my students are doing on particular topics."
Joanna Klukowska
Computer Science
New York

Feedback Delivered Instantly

Return graded assignments with a single click (optional). Handle regrade requests online, freeing up office hours.

Samuel Watson
"Gradescope has transformed the way students approach reviewing their exam results. The convenient and robust regrade request process incentivizes carefully reviewing missed problems and facilitating communication about instructor expectations."
Samuel Watson
Warren Hoburg
"Gradescope is rocket fuel for grading. My students love getting feedback just a few hours after their quizzes — a pace I can only achieve with Gradescope."
Warren Hoburg
Aeronautics & Astronautics
Jesse Tov
"Gradescope allows me to give a short quiz every day in my section of 60 students, and grade them all on my 30 minute train ride home. The students get immediate, custom feedback that helps them understand how they're doing in the class and helps me monitor how things are going as well."
Jesse Tov
Computer Science

Answer Groups &
AI-assisted Grading

Grade groups of similar answers at once. For some question types, Gradescope AI automatically forms groups for you to review.

*Answer Groups & AI-assisted Grading are part of our Institutional license.
Anna Victoria Martinez-Saltzberg
"Last spring, I graded 10 multiple choice questions for approximately 250 students in 15 minutes Once the answers are grouped, you only have to check off the rubric items once to grade all the answers!"
Anna Victoria
San Francisco State
Ashley Berger
"I once had an exam problem that probably would have taken an hour to grade by hand, but with the grouping, it only took me 10 minutes The grouping feature helps me grade more quickly since I can categorize students’ answers that are similar and then grade each group at once."
Ashley Berger
University of
Julie McGurk
"I love being able to give group feedback. When you're pressed for time, it's hard to put a lot of positive feedback on problems, but when you can group them, it gives you the time to do that. I think my feedback was more detailed in general & easier to read using Gradescope than grading by hand."
Julie McGurk
University of

Built by Instructors

Our team cares deeply about your grading experience. We built Gradescope for ourselves while in grad school and love feedback from our users.

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