Course Syllabus

Read time: approx. 6 min.

Take Note! The Course Syllabus Information is organized into several pages. Please view all course information pages.

Course Basics BCeater-right.png

Course Number:  SOC SCI 3A (70020)
Course Title:  Research Computing in the Social Sciences
Quarter:   Summer Session I 2018
Meeting Time:   Online - See Course Calendar
Meeting Place: Online Course - No Meeting Space
Special Info:    Required Course for Social Science Majors
Final Exam:   

Online Final Exam Time/Location: 

Summer Session Final Exams take Place July 31 through August 1. You may schedule your exam at any point from 9am July 31 through 5pm August 1.

The final exam for this course is fully online (no need to attend a face-to-face exam). To ensure academic integrity standards are upheld, the online proctoring service ProctorU is used. All students will be given instructions during week 1 about how to sign up for a 2-hour time slot during the available window during exam week. All appointments should be made no later than the end of week 2 to ensure that all students have signed up before the deadline to drop the course passes.

Note that a one-time cost of approximately $20-40 is due at the time you sign up. This payment is made directly to ProctorU and I cannot do much to assist you with refunds, etc. so if you are shopping this course, PLEASE do not sign up and pay until you are certain you intend to remain enrolled.

Note that I will not be able to offer a traditional exam in this online course. Any student who is unwilling or unable to pay for exam proctoring should make sure to unenroll as soon as possible and register to take SS3A in a different quarter or enroll in another, traditional lecture section

Please contact me today if you have any questions about the final exam.

Instructional Staff BCeater-right.png


James R. Hull (Jim)

Education: Ph.D., Sociology, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (2010)

Salutation: Prof. Hull
Office: Social Science Plaza A, Room 4169
Phone: (949) 824-5691
Email: (NOTE: not for regular course questions)

Shahin Davoudpour (

N. Uras Demir (

Online Lab Assistance and Discussion Sections [UPDATED!] BCeater-right.png


Time: Location: Host:
Monday 10am-11am ONLINE (chat room or conference)  Shahin
Tuesday 12pm-1pm ONLINE (chat room or conference)  Uras
Wednesday 12pm-1pm ONLINE (chat room or conference)  Uras
Thursday  8pm-9pm ONLINE (chat room or conference)  Shahin
Friday 1:00-2:00pm ONLINE (conference room) Prof. Hull
(*) Please note that if you visit the online chat room outside of Lab Session times, your question will not be answered there until the next session. If you cannot attend a session at the scheduled time, you can still take advantage by posting a question in advance, then check back for the answer afterwards.

Office Hours BCeater-right.png

Who: Where: When: How:
Dr. Hull Drop-In (Face-to-Face or Online) SSPA 4169 or Online Conference Room Wed 9:30a-10:30a Just show up! Or, log into Canvas and visit me on the "Conference" tab. We use a tool called "Big Blue Button" for most online course meetings.
Dr. Hull Face to Face (By Appointment) SSPA 4169 Fri 9:30a-10:30p Use Scheduler Tool (20 minute blocks). If all slots are currently full, please email the course account and I can add more.
TAs -- -- To arrange a face-to-face meeting with a course TA, please contact the course account with a description of why you want to meet and we'll contact you to set up a time. Otherwise, please attend one of the regular online sessions, which replace regular TA office hours for this course.

Email Etiquette and Communication Reminders BCeater-right.png

Under no circumstances should you use the built-in Canvas messaging system. This includes the "submission comments" feature. We will not read or respond to these. Instead, send ALL course-related email to: 

This account is monitored regularly by both instructor and TAs and is the only email address you will ever need to get in contact with your instructor and other teaching staff. Course TAs assist me in monitoring this account and answering questions, and they are authorized and capable of handling questions about nearly every issue that can arise in regular day-to-day course operations.

Your TAs will automatically flag questions they cannot answer so that I see them and reply to them personally. No need to write me directly unless the matter is extremely sensitive and not related to everyday operations.

Email is an essential technology in our modern world, but one that is prone to abuse and misuse. Please observe these simple guidelines when writing to us about any course matter. Students who do not observe these basic guidelines may not receive a timely response:

  • Send it from your official UCI email account
  • Include a subject line that looks like this: SS3A: [your subject here]
  • Include a greeting and address your TA or me by both our titles and last names
  • Include your lab section number (does not apply for  fully online courses)
  • Include your full name and student ID in the email signature
  • For all inquiries, please allow up to 24 hours for an email response and 48 hours over the weekends. Responses are usually much faster than this, but please remember that we do things besides check email for this course, just like you.

Office Hours Guidelines BCeater-right.png

Observing the following will ensure that all students get to see me:


  • These office hours are for all regular questions and course assistance
  • These office hours are first come, first serve. Expect it to be a bit of a scrum (busy!) at certain times.
  • If you would like to chat 1-on-1 during drop-in or appointment office hours, you can do so! Just ask for a private chat with the TA or instructor to discuss your issue. 
  • Fridays are by-appointment hours and are for more involved discussions, not regular run-of-the mill stuff.  You can now sign up for appointments without emailing me. Just navigate to the Canvas Calendar and look for "Scheduler". Of course, if I get too many students signing up for everyday questions, I will have to go to approving these via email first, so please use your best judgment about whether you need a 1-on-1 appointment or whether one of the four other options might work better for you.
  • A standard appointment is 20 minutes. If you expect to need more time, you should contact me directly so that we can discuss it.
  • NOTE: NO-SHOWS for pre-arranged appointments should expect to receive the lowest priority for any future appointment sign-ups

Registrar-Related Issues BCeater-right.png

Drops and Adds

You are responsible for managing your own drops and adds. Please take care of these through WebReg, StudentAccess, or the Registrar’s Office. For complete information, please see: Official Registrar’s Drop Add Policy

Can I Audit this Course?

No. Students must be officially registered to attend and to view course materials.

Can I take this course Pass/No Pass?

Yes. Depending on the stage in the quarter, you should contact either the registrar's office or your academic advisor and complete any required forms to elect pass/no pass. When final letter grades are filed with the Registrar's office, any score above the current minimum will automatically convert to Pass. Consult with the registrar's website for the current minimum grade for a Pass. Also note that your specific program of study may enforce a higher threshold for passing this course. 

Does this course have a Waitlist?

Waitlisted students will be added automatically by the Registrar’s office only if seats become available. Most of my classes have strict caps on lab section enrollment, which greatly restricts my ability to do manual adds anyway. 

What do I do if I am waitlisted or enroll late?

University Policy provides no formal guidelines on assignment deadlines for waitlisted students and places no requirement that these students be given the opportunity to make up any assignment missed prior to being officially enrolled. As a matter of courtesy, we will do our best to work with any waitlisted students to assist you in making up work that was missed while you were officially on the waitlist. From the time you are added to the course, you are expected to immediately keep up and miss no further deadlines. To ensure that you are able to do so, you should contact the course account as soon as you are waitlisted to request temporary access to the course Canvas site. This will allow you to view course materials but not to complete actual assignments. Once added, write to us again to request assistance in completing any deadlines that have already passed. Please include each assignment missed by name in the email to facilitate a rapid response.

Failure to contact course staff in a timely fashion will result in any missed work being counted as a zero.

Alternate Arrangements

If you require special arrangements for testing, readings, assignments, or other aspects of the course, you do not need to identify yourself to me. Instead, please contact the UCI Disability Services Center. Their website has detailed instructions on the services offered and procedures to register. Official notice from DSC is required before testing and other types of accommodation can be made.

Syllabus Version 6.3.1 | Updated: 2018 04 02

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Course Summary:

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