Math 280B Winter 2019

Instructor Contact Information:

Isaac Goldbring

Office: RH 417
Office Hours: Wednesday 9-10
Office Phone: (949) 824-3792

Course Information:

  • Text: Download “Mathematical logic and set theory” Notes by D.A. Martin.

  • Course Description: We will cover Sections 3 and 4 of the notes, which treat Model theory and Incompleteness respectively.

  • Class Meetings: There are three hours of lecture a week: MWF 8-8:50 in RH 340P.

  • Homework: There will be 3 problem sets due in class on the Fridays of Weeks 3, 6, and 9. While there will be around 8-10 problems assigned for each set, I will only grade 4 problems from each set. Each problem will be worth 25 points, making each problem set worth 100 points.  Please type up your solutions to the assignments.

  • Final Exam There will be a take-home final exam given to you on Monday, March 11 in class and due Monday, March 18, by 10am. The final exam will also be worth 100 points.

    Grading Scale:

    97-100 A+

    92-96.9 A

    90-91.9 A-

    87-89.9 B+

    82-86.9 B

    80-81.9 B-

    77-79.9 C+

    72-76.9 C

    70-71.9 C-

    67-69.9 D+

    62-66.9 D

    60-61.9 D-

    < 60 F

    Any curving will take place after the final exam and will be at the discretion of the instructor.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due