Course Syllabus


  • Faryar Jabbari (fjabbari `at'
  • Engineering Gateway 3221, 
  • Open Office hours:
    • Tuesdays, Thursdays 5:00-6:30 (open) in ENGR Gateway 3161
    • Monsdays 3-4 pm (by appointment) ONLY in ENGR Gateway 3221


Teaching Assistants:

  • Shant Danielian 
    • Discussions: TBD 
    • Office Hours: TBD


Exams:  The two midterms (one sheet of notes allowed in each)

  • Midterm 1: Thursday, February 7, 3:30- 4:50 pm 
  • Midterm 2: Thursday, March 7, 3:30- 4:50 pm 
  • Final: Tuesday March 19, 4- 6 pm 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers; Dynamics,
by F.P. Beer and E.R. Johnston, Jr., 12th Edition, McGraw-Hill

UCI BookStore has collected a set of places that you can find the text (used, Amazon, etc.).  The link is: Links to an external site.


Reference Text

Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, Prentice Hall


Course Overview

Introduction to kinetics and dynamics of particles and rigid bodies.  The Newton-Euler, Work-energy and impulse-momentum methods are explored for studying the dynamics of particles and rigid bodies.  An engineering design problem using these fundamental principles is also undertaken.   Prerequisites: MAE30 or CEE 30.



  • To understand particle and rigid body motion, based on elementary laws of physics.
  • To explore force and momentum concepts, conservation of energy, as well angular momentum and rotation for more complicated systems and simple models of real life mechanism (cranes, robots, etc).
  • The relationships between force/moment applied and the desired motion and rotation, for use in design and analysis of engineering systems.


Grading Criteria:

HW ( 8%)

On-line quizzes (9 %)

Survey participation (3%)

Midterms (45 %)

Final (35 %)


Course Summary:

Date Details Due