Data analysis project
- Due Feb 28, 2019 by 4pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a file upload
- File Types pdf
Here are reminders about the data analysis project:
- A draft is due Thursday, Feb 28th, at the beginning of class. Submit it here on Canvas as a pdf.
- Work in a group of 1-3 students.
- Write approximately 500 words, or 2 pages, not including charts/graphs. I would much rather you make your own analysis, and have it be less interesting/less conclusive, than to take an analysis that somebody else has done. If you have trouble for example and spend a lot of time "cleaning" the data, tell me that also in your submission.
- Use at least 3 different methods from the book, including preferably one that hasn't been discussed in class yet.
- Choose a data set that does not come from the textbook's website.
- You'll receive a score out of 10 for this version. If you want to improve your score, you can submit again in Week 10. (This offer only applies if you put an effort into the initial submission.)