Overview of Chem 197:

Introduction to the UCI Chemistry Field Studies Program (Chem 197) is designed to help students develop the skills needed to apply for an internship through the UCI Chemistry Field Studies Program. This program provides students with an opportunity to develop the professional skills necessary for competitive placement in their chosen chemical-inspired industry. As part of this course you will create or improve your resume and cover letter, develop a LinkendIn Profile, and conduct an informational interview. There are no in-person meetings for this course and all feedback is provided through the assignments. Students who have completed the course will receive information about opportunities to apply for chemistry internships during the 2019-2020 academic year, and will have the professional skills needed to increase the chances of success at applying for these or independently identified internships. 

Course Objectives:  

  1. Students will explore career opportunities through interactions with chemistry professionals. 
  2. Students will write professional correspondence, including resume, and cover letter.
  3. Students will learn and practice job search and application submission techniques.
  4. Students will build and enhance professional networks.

Grading: This is a Pass/No Pass course. All assignments must be submitted by the posted dates to receive a passing grade.

Instructor Information:

This class is a joint effort between the Department of Chemistry and Professor Suzanne Blum, if you have any questions about an assignment or the course please contact we will respond in one business day. 


Overall tips from the Director:

Strong cover letters and resumes detail the chemistry skills and experience that you bring to the table.  Those are the skills needed for the technical positions to which you are applying. These skills should be mentioned near the top of your resume, and in the first part of your second paragraph in your cover letter. Describe your upper-level coursework in chemistry. If you have research experience outside of classes, detail it here.  What was the name of your research project?  For coursework: What laboratory skills have you learned/mastered during these courses? What analytical instruments do you have experience using? Keep descriptions very short of experience not directly related to the skills needed for the position to which you are applying.  For example, volunteer positions, community positions, and retail or administrative positions outside of science should be mentioned with only one or two lines, and only after chemistry/technical skills have been detailed. These tips elevate your application through the following skill:  Remember to always tailor your application to the position to which you are applying. 



Course Summary:

Date Details Due