Course Syllabus

CS273A: Introduction to Machine Learning

Prof. Alexander Ihler

How can a machine learn from experience, to become better at a given task? How can we automatically extract knowledge or make sense of massive quantities of data? These are the fundamental questions of machine learning. Machine learning and data mining algorithms use techniques from statistics, optimization, and computer science to create automated systems which can sift through large volumes of data at high speed to make predictions or decisions without human intervention.

Machine learning as a field is now incredibly pervasive, with applications from the web (search, advertisements, and suggestions) to national security, from analyzing biochemical interactions to traffic and emissions to astrophysics. Perhaps most famously, the $1M Netflix prize stirred up interest in learning algorithms in professionals, students, and hobbyists alike; now, websites like Kaggle host regular open competitions on many companies' data.

This class will familiarize you with a broad cross-section of models and algorithms for machine learning, and prepare you for research or industry application of machine learning techniques.


We will assume basic familiarity with the concepts of probability and linear algebra. Some programming will be required; we will primarily use Python, using the libraries "numpy" and "matplotlib", as well as course code.

Textbook and Reading

There is no required textbook for the class. However, useful books on the subject for supplementary reading include Murphy's "Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective", Duda, Hart & Stork, "Pattern Classification", and Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman, "The Elements of Statistical Learning".


This year, we will be using Python for most of the programming in the course. I strongly suggest the "full SciPy stack", which includes NumPy, MatPlotLib, SciPy, and iPython notebook for interactive work and visualization; see Links to an external site. for installation information.

Here is a simple introduction to numpy and plotting for the course; and of course you can find complete documentation for these libraries as well as many more tutorial guides online.

I usually use Python 2.7 by default, but try to program in a 3.0 compatible way; if you find parts of the code do not work for more recent versions of Python please let me know the issue and I will try to fix it.

Email & Discussions

We will use a course Piazza page Links to an external site. for questions & discussion.  Please post your questions there; you can post privately if you prefer, or if (for example) your question needs to reveal your solution to a homework problem.  I prefer to use Piazza for all class contact, since it enables responses by either myself, the TA, or fellow students (if public), which should get you answers more quickly.


  • Homeworks 25%, 5 total
  • Project 15%, groups of 2-3
  • Midterm 25%, in class
  • Final 35%

Comprehensive Exam

If you wish to be considered for the comprehensive exam requirement, please let me know by answering "yes" on this "assignment".  If not, there is no need to do anything.




Lecture Topic

Slides & Reading


Thu 22 Sep

Class setup; Concepts; Bayes optimality

Slides Download Slides; Python


Tue 27 Sep

Bayes classifiers; Naive Bayes

Slides Download Slides;


Thu 29 Sep

Nearest neighbor models

Download Slides



Tue 4 Oct

Linear regression

Download Slides



Thu 6 Oct

Linear classifiers; perceptrons, logistic regression

Download Slides



Tue 11 Oct

Support Vector Machines

  Download Slides;


Thu 13 Oct

VC Dimension

  Download Slides



Tue 18 Oct

Neural Networks

  Download Slides



Thu 20 Oct




Tue 25 Oct




Thu 27 Oct




Tue 1 Nov

Mid-term Exam

All of above


Thu 3 Nov

Decision Trees Download  Slides;

Tue 8 Nov

Ensembles: Bagging, Boosting

  Download Slides



Thu 10 Nov

Clustering; k-means, EM

  Download Slides



Tue 15 Nov

Latent space models; SVD

  Download Slides


Thu 17 Nov

Collaborative filtering & recommender systems

  Download Slides



Tue 22 Nov

Markov models

  Download Slides



Thu 24 Nov

Thanksgiving holiday


Fri 25 Nov

Thanksgiving holiday

Tue 29 Nov

Markov decision processes

  Download Slides



Thu 1 Dec

Final Exam Review

All of the above


Wed 7 Dec

Final project deadline


Fri 9 Dec

Final exam, 10:30am - 12:30pm

All of the above


Academic Honesty

Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and will not be tolerated at the University of California, Irvine. It is the responsibility of each student to be familiar with UCI's current academic honesty policies. Please take the time to read the current UCI Academic Senate Policy On Academic Integrity and the ICS School Policy on Academic Honesty.

The policies in these documents will be adhered to scrupulously. Any student who engages in cheating, forgery, dishonest conduct, plagiarism, or collusion in dishonest activities, will receive an academic evaluation of "F" for the entire course, with a letter of explanation to the student's permanent file. The ICS Student Affairs Office will be involved at every step of the process.  We seek to create a level playing field for all students.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due