Course Syllabus

Instructor Contact Information:

Isaac Goldbring

Office Hours: Wednesdays at 8am (Zoom invitation to be emailed)

Course Information:

  • Required Text: There is no required text and I will lecture from my own notes.

  • Recommended Text: For the set theory portion of the course, I recommend Enderton's book "Elements of set theory."  For the portion of the course where we cover the Completeness and Compactness Theorems, Chapter 2 of Enderton's book "A Mathematical Introduction to Logic" contains much of the relevant material.  One might also consider consulting the first two sections of Tony Martin's notes Download Tony Martin's notes.

  • Class Meetings: TR 3-4:20 to be held by Zoom (Zoom invitation to be emailed).

  • Homework: There will be 3 problem sets during the quarter, due October 15, November 5, and November 29.  Each problem set will have 6 problems, but I will only grade 4.  The problem sets are to be turned in on Canvas and are due at 11:59pm on the due date.

  • Final Exam: There will be a take-home final exam due Tuesday, December 7 at 11:59pm.  The final will also be turned in on Canvas.

  • Grades: Grades will be calculated as follows:

    • Homework: 25% each (75% total)

    • Final Exam: 25%

Course Summary:

Date Details Due