Course Syllabus
Instructor Contact Information:
Isaac Goldbring
Office Hours: Wednesdays at 8am (Zoom invitation to be emailed)
Course Information:
Required Text: There is no required text and I will lecture from my own notes.
Recommended Text: For the set theory portion of the course, I recommend Enderton's book "Elements of set theory." For the portion of the course where we cover the Completeness and Compactness Theorems, Chapter 2 of Enderton's book "A Mathematical Introduction to Logic" contains much of the relevant material. One might also consider consulting the first two sections of Tony Martin's notes Download Tony Martin's notes.
Class Meetings: TR 3-4:20 to be held by Zoom (Zoom invitation to be emailed).
Homework: There will be 3 problem sets during the quarter, due October 15, November 5, and November 29. Each problem set will have 6 problems, but I will only grade 4. The problem sets are to be turned in on Canvas and are due at 11:59pm on the due date.
Final Exam: There will be a take-home final exam due Tuesday, December 7 at 11:59pm. The final will also be turned in on Canvas.
Grades: Grades will be calculated as follows:
Homework: 25% each (75% total)
Final Exam: 25%
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |
Fri Oct 15, 2021 | Assignment HW #1 | due by 11:59pm |
Fri Nov 5, 2021 | Assignment HW #2 | due by 11:59pm |
Mon Nov 29, 2021 | Assignment HW #3 | due by 11:59pm |
Tue Dec 7, 2021 | Assignment Final Exam | due by 11:59pm |