Introduction to Rings and Fields
Math 120B, Spring 2017
Lectures: MWF 2:00-2:50pm, in SE2 1304
Instructor: Christopher Davis,, Rowland Hall 440J
Study session (joint with 140B): Tuesdays 3:30-5:30pm in RH 440R
Office hours: the study session replaces traditional office hours, email if you'd like to schedule additional office hours.
Discussion section: TuTh 2:00-2:50pm, MSTB 122
Teaching assistant: Matthew Levy,
Office hours in RH 248: W 3:00-5:00pm, or by appointment.
- Course information Download Course information
- Tentative weekly schedule Download Tentative weekly schedule
Course updates:
- 6/9/17: Here are the online quiz questions Download online quiz questions. The little "r" indicates the correct answer.
- 6/4/17: Here are sample questions Download sample questions for the final exam.
- 5/16/17: Here are sample questions Download sample questions for Midterm 2.
- 5/14/17: A typo was corrected in Homework 6 Download Homework 6, 1c. We have to assume the ring R has unity.
- 4/20/17: Some sample questions for Midterm 1 are at the end of Homework 4.
- 4/5/17: Homework 2 is now posted in the Assignments section.