MATH 140B, Lecture A

Elementary Analysis

Math 140B, 44900, Spring 2017

Lectures: MWF 10:00-10:50am, MSTB 110
Instructor: Christopher Davis,, Rowland Hall 440J
Study session (joint with 120B): Tuesdays 3:30-5:30pm in RH 440R
Office hours: the study session replaces traditional office hours, email if you'd like to schedule additional office hours.

Discussion section: TuTh 12:00-12:50pm, MSTB 124
Teaching assistant: Raymond Watkin,
Office hours in RH 250B: Tues 2-4pm and Thurs 3-4pm, or by appointment


Course updates:

  • No quiz and no homework due during Week 4, just Midterm 1 on Monday. 
  • 4/5/17: Homework 1 is now posted in the Assignments section.
  • Tentative schedule:
    Weeks 1-3: Sections 23-26
    Weeks 4-7: Sections 20, 28-31
    Weeks 8-10: Sections 32-34, 36

Useful links: