Instructor Contact Information:
Isaac Goldbring
Office Hours: Wednesdays 2:30-3:30, Thursdays 8-9, via Zoom.
Course Information:
Required Text: “Real Analysis: Modern techniques and their applications” (Second Edition) by Gerald Folland
Class Meetings:
Lecture: MW 10-11:20 in RH 440R.
- Discussion: TuTh 12:00-12:50 in RH 306.
- TA: Alec Fox
- Email:
- Office hours: T 3-4, R 1-2, F 3-4 (over Zoom, even weeks. Zoom ID: 722 640 9701)
Homework: There will be 5 problem sets during the quarter, due every other Friday (starting week 2). They are to be turned in on Canvas by 11:59pm and are preferably to be written up in LaTex. The problems will be a mixture of problems from the textbook as well as problems appearing on previous Qualifying exams.
- Midterm: Monday, May 8, during the regular class period. The exam will be 50 minutes long and I will ask you to scan your solutions to the exam and upload them to Canvas when you are finished.
Final Exam: Monday, June 12, 10:30-12:30. Again, I will ask you to scan your solutions to the exam and upload them to Canvas.
Grades: Grades will be calculated as follows:
Homework: 30%
- Midterm: 30%
Final Exam: 40%
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |
Fri Apr 14, 2023 | Assignment HW #1 | due by 11:59pm |
Fri Apr 28, 2023 | Assignment HW #2 | due by 11:59pm |
Mon May 8, 2023 | Assignment Midterm | due by 11:30am |
Fri May 12, 2023 | Assignment HW #3 | due by 11:59pm |
Fri May 26, 2023 | Assignment HW #4 | due by 11:59pm |
Fri Jun 9, 2023 | Assignment HW #5 | due by 11:59pm |
Mon Jun 12, 2023 | Assignment Final Exam | due by 1pm |