Course Syllabus

Math 147  Fall 2023

Instructor Contact Information:

Isaac Goldbring

Office: RH 410 J
Office Hours: Mondays at 2pm (Zoom link Links to an external site.), Thursdays at 8am (Zoom link Links to an external site.).  

Course Information:

  • Text:  Complex variables and applications by Brown and Churchill (Ninth edition).

  • Course Description: Rigorous treatment of basic complex analysis: analytic functions, Cauchy integral theory and its consequences, power series, residue calculus, harmonic functions, conformal mapping. Students are expected to do proofs.

  • Prerequisite or corequisite: Math 140B.
  • Class Meetings: MWF 9-9:50 in SH 174.

  • Discussion Section:  TR 1-1:50 in PSCB 140.
  • TA:  Michael Hehmann Office hours TR 10:30-11:30 in RH 590.
  • HomeworkThere will be 5 homework assignments due during the quarter.  They will be due every other Wednesday beginning with Week 2.  Only 4 problems from each homework assignment will be graded.  You can find the HW assignments under the Assignment tab on Canvas.  The lowest homework score will be dropped.  
    • Homework is to be turned in using the Gradescope tab on Canvas.  You must upload a single pdf  of your assignment.
      • You can submit your assignment any time before 11:59pm on the day that it is due.
      • You can scan your homework using a scanner or a scanning app on your phone.  CamScanner is a good free app to use.
      • Please put your first and last name and the assignment number on all pages of all assignments.
  • Midterm exam:  There will be one midterm exam on Friday, November 3, to be taken in class during the normal lecture time.
    • As with the homework assignments, you will upload your solutions to the exam using Gradescope.  You will do so directly after the exam has finished.
  • Final exam:  The final exam will take place on Wednesday, December 13, from 8-10am.  We will follow the same protocol for the final exam as we did for the midterm exam. 

  • GrievancesIf you disagree with the way your homework or exams were graded, you must bring your complaint to me or the TA within 1 week or forever hold your peace. Similarly, you must check that your homework and exam scores were input on Canvas correctly; if the grades were input incorrectly, you also have 1 week to report this.
  • Academic Integrity PolicyAll students are expected to complete a course in compliance with the Instructor’s standards. No student shall engage in any activity involving any Academic Integrity Policy Viola- tions. No student shall engage in any activity that involves attempting to receive a grade by means other than honest effort, and shall not aid an- other student who is attempting to do so.
  • Grading Breakdown:
    • Homework:  30%
    • Midterm exam:  30%
    • Final exam:  40%
  • Ideal Grading Scale:

    97-100 A+

    92-96.9 A

    90-91.9 A-

    87-89.9 B+

    82-86.9 B

    80-81.9 B-

    77-79.9 C+

    72-76.9 C

    70-71.9 C-

    67-69.9 D+

    62-66.9 D

    60-61.9 D-

    60 F

    Any curving will take place after the final exam and will be at the discretion of the instructor

Course Summary:

Date Details Due