Math 230A Homepage
Math 230A Meeting Times (all meetings are in-person)
Lecture: MTuWTh 2:00-2:50pm in MSTB 114
Discussion: F 2:00-2:50pm in MSTB 114
Instructor Information
Instructor: Christopher Davis
Office Hours: M 3:30-4:30pm, W 12:30-1:30pm (see below for Finals week) in RH 440J (and by appointment)
TA Information
TA: Yasmeen Baki
Office Hours: Tu 3:00-5:00pm in RH 440P, Th 12:00-2:00pm via Zoom
Links to an external site.
No Zoom office hours during finals week.
Meeting ID: 952 0380 2539
Passcode: mathiscool
You must join with a UCI Zoom account.
Click here for discussion notes! Links to an external site.
Donut Fund: $28
Course Updates
Announcements and updates will be sent by email and may also be listed below.
- 12/11 - Chris's office hours in Finals week are: 2-3pm Monday, 2-3:30pm Wednesday, 12-1pm Thursday.
- 12/8 - Solution to the sample final are posted on Week 10 page.
- 12/6 - A sample final is posted on the Week 10 page.
- 12/4 - Midterm solutions are now posted on the Week 10 page.
- 11/22 - A sample midterm 2 is now posted on the Week 9 page. Solutions will be posted sometime during Week 9.
- 10/25 - A sample midterm is now posted on the Week 4 page. Solutions will be posted there after discussion section on Friday.
- 9/29 - Here is a link to errata Links to an external site. for Aluffi