Course Syllabus
CS177: Applications of Probability in Computer Science
University of California, Irvine, Fall 2024
Prof. Erik Sudderth
Probability and statistics play a key role in real-world applications of computer science. Examples include the modeling of text and web data, speech recognition, robotics, network traffic and system reliability modeling, probabilistic analysis of algorithms and graphs, machine learning and data mining, cryptography, and more. In this course, students will expand their knowledge of probabilistic models and methods, and apply them to diverse computational problems. The mathematical topics we will study include conditioning and Bayes' rule, joint distributions of discrete and continuous random variables, independence and conditional independence, rare events, limit theorems, entropy and information theory, and discrete-time Markov processes.
Course Materials
- Ed Discussion will be used for all course announcements, discussions, and questions. All enrolled students should watch for important announcements and post questions (anonymously if you prefer) about course content.
- Lecture Calendar including readings, slides, and how to access lecture recordings
- Discussion Calendar including links to Jupyter notebooks with example code
- Homework Assignments are distributed via Canvas, but submitted and graded via gradescope
- Homework Policies and Resources including help with Python and the Collaboration and Academic Honesty Policy
Course Information
- Textbook: Introduction to Probability for Computing. Mor Halchol-Balter, Cambridge University Press, 2024.
- Lectures: Mondays and Wednesdays and Fridays from 3:00-3:50pm, SSPA 1100.
- Discussions: Led by the TAs on Fridays in PSCB 120 and HH 262.
- Instructor: Prof. Erik Sudderth.
- Head Teaching Assistants: Harry Bendekgey and Mehrnaz Motamed.
- Teaching Assistant: Arya Kondur.
- Office Hours:
- Mondays 10:30am-12:30pm in ICS 415: Harry Bendekgey.
- Tuesdays 10:00am-12:00pm in ICS 415: Mehrnaz Motamed.
- Wednesdays 12:00-1:00pm (Zoom), 4:00-5:00pm (ICS 415): Arya Kondur.
- Thursdays 2:30-4:00pm in DBH 4206: Prof. Sudderth.
Course Prerequisites
An introductory course in probability and statistics (STATS 67). Courses in calculus (MATH 2B), linear algebra (MATH 3A or I&C SCI 6N), and discrete mathematics (I&C SCI 6B, I&C SCI 6D). Homework assignments require some Python programming experience, and knowledge about basic data structures and algorithms.
Exams and Course Grades
Overall course grades will be assigned as follows: 40% homeworks, 30% for two midterm exams, 30% final exam. To determine an overall homework score, we will drop your lowest homework score, and average the scores of the other five homeworks equally. In cases of academic dishonesty, we may determine course grades in other ways.
The midterm exams will be taken in-person during the normal lecture times on October 30 and November 20. The final exam will be taken in-person on Monday, December 9 from 4:00-6:00pm. Exams must be taken on their scheduled dates. Exceptions are granted only for medical or family emergencies.
Exams will test concepts from lectures and homeworks, and also require some computations to analyze probabilistic models. During exams, use of electronic devices is not allowed. However, you are allowed to bring a single, 8.5x11-inch page (both sides) of handwritten notes. We will also provide a reference page with useful mathematical formulas.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |