MATH H2E: Honors multivariable calculus

Honors Multivariable Calculus

Math H2E, Spring 2018

Lectures: MWF 9:00-9:50am in SST 120
Instructor: Christopher Davis,, Rowland Hall 440J  
Office hours and study sessions:

  • [traditional office hours, joint with Math 9] Mondays, 10am-11am, in RH 440J
  • [study session] Tuesdays, 11am-12pm, in RH 340N
  • And by appointment.

Discussion section: TuTh 8:00-8:50am in RH 108
Teaching assistant: Josh Jordan,
Office hours: Tuesdays, 1pm-3pm, in RH 250


Course updates:

  • Homework 1 is posted in the Assignments section, together with course notes from week 1.

Useful links: