Finding a Topic

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This was the first assignment where I had to begin my research into two topics  that I was interested in writing about (effect of parents’ income on their child’s level and completion of education/effect childhood poverty has on a child’s upward social mobility). My research here is very superficial, and I didn't include any in-text citations. My topics were also very broad, and very similar to those we read about in our book in class. As I transitioned into the Prospectus, I had a slightly more concrete idea of what I was writing about and my research improved.

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Danielle Arellano

Dr. Brendan Shapiro

Writing 39C F16

04 October 2016

Finding a Topic

One of the issues related to Our Kids that interests me is the effect of parents’ income on their child’s level and completion of education. On an economic/ structural level the general trend is that parents who make a lower income have children who are less likely to pursue higher education.  On a cultural level, kids may not complete higher levels of education because they have a responsibility to help the family. This issue mainly affects children who come from lower income parents who do not have the financial resources to provide their children with higher level education. This issue is pressing because it is still a topic of debate amongst politicians as they try to provide equal opportunity in education for children of all levels of income. This topic initially interested me because despite the general trend, there are some kids who attain higher levels of education despite their lack of financial and other resources. I also found this particular topic to be interesting because some kids who may come from well-off backgrounds still do not complete or attain higher levels of education. In my case, I had the resources to get to college but was never pushed by my parents to do so. I’m interested in seeing if there is a correlation between children’s levels of education and their parents’ income or if it is partially based on self-determination to receive greater levels of education.


Works Cited

Brown, Peggy B. Educationally at-Risk College Students from Single Parent and Two-Parent Households: An Analysis of Differences Employing Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Data,

Desimone, Laura M. Comparing the Relationship of Parent Involvement and Locus of Control to Adolescent School Achievement: An Analysis of racial/ethnic and Income Differences, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Ann Arbor, 1996.,

Hofferth, Sandra L., Johanne Boisjoly, and Greg J. Duncan. "Parents' Extrafamilial Resources And Children's School Attainment." Sociology Of Education 71.3 (1998): 246-268. Academic Search Complete. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.










Another pressing topic that interests me is the effect childhood poverty has on a child’s upward social mobility. I’d like to know if a child who grew up from poverty can move up on the social ladder with regard to their schooling and work, in other words, their achievements as adults. This issue is particularly important because President Obama addressed this concern in one of his speeches at a Whitehouse event. Politicians’ concern is to provide resources for children in poverty to give them a better chance at success and to provide them with equal opportunities to those not suffering in poverty. There is a moral obligation to help these particular children since our country claims to provide equal opportunity for all as well as a political obligation to push policies that will support these children and their families. I found this issue to be important because I think that the government is responsible for providing resources for children to have the opportunity to move out of poverty. As a nation, I think there is an obligation to provide the necessary resources for kids in poverty to have the opportunity to work towards upward social mobility.









Works Cited

Duncan, Greg J., Ariel Kalil, and Kathleen M. Ziol-Guest. "Early Childhood Poverty And Adult Achievement, Employment And Health." Family Matters 93 (2013): 27-35. Academic Search Complete. Web. 3 Oct. 2016

Morgan, David R., and Kenneth Kickham. "Children In Poverty: Do State Policies Matter?." Social Science Quarterly (Wiley-Blackwell) 82.3 (2001): 478. Academic Search Complete. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.

President Obama announced five new "Promise Zones" Thursday during an event at the White House. By applying federal funding in targeted areas, Promise Zones aim to bolster education, access to housing and crime-reduction programs. (Jan. 9).Associated Press, 2014. Associated Press Video Collection. Web. Oct 02 2016.

Rauscher, Emily. "Does Educational Equality Increase Mobility? Exploiting Nineteenth-Century U.S. Compulsory Schooling Laws." American Journal Of Sociology 121.6 (2016): 1697-1761. Academic Search Complete. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.





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