Notes for Advocacy Project

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Heller Case used with Second Amendment, but incorporates the meaning of "the people" which is also fundamental for the First Amendment. Helped my paper in the initial meaning of "the people" and the rights undocumented immigrants would be denied under many laws rather than just Freedom of Speech.




INS v. Lopez with Fourth Amendment rights which also uses the phrase "the people" which the First Amendment refers to. Used in order to establish the lack of any rights if undocumented immigrants aren't protected under the phrase "the people." Would be denied, Second, Fourth, Fifth, and First Amendment rights.


 Of high importance to my paper because in 1990 the court deemed those with substantial ties to the U.S. (including undocumented immigrants) to have rights under the First Amendment. First time the rights of undocumented immigrants was addressed by the court in the First Amendment.




 Notes on the Economic Importance of undocumented immigrants released one week before the paper was due on March 1st, 2017. Altered my paper helping it gain more factual evidence. Was very important, and changed the organizational issues of my paper for the Fourth Draft.




 Research on Donald Trump's appointed cabinet waiting for confirmation and confirmed. Was investigated in order to show his lack of knowledgeable cabinet members which will be running our country in the year 2017. Important because half his cabinet is either substantially racist( in undertones), or unequipped for the position which I highlighted or marked with a pen in the shape of a bracket. Research done before writing the paper, and not taking into account the new appointed court justice yet because he hadn't been chosen yet.


Case of Anastasio Hernandez which was going to be one of the main focuses of my paper changed, and there was a one million dollar settlement given in March 3rd, 2017. Changed my paper perspective in this instance again. Learned the hardships of advocating for a current issue which needs to be addressed.



Research on laws and policies which have passed to help give amnesty to undocumented immigrants. I researched the policies in order to look at the aspects which had already been taken into account for these policies in order to have them passed. Looked at the comprehensive immigration reform proposed, and its implications with who it would help, and who it would exclude. These helped me create my concluding proposal for the paper including the positives, and negatives of the proposals.

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Notes on Freedom of Speech, and how it was intended to be a right of every human. Built up from the ideas of Locke as a fundamental human right. Helps advocacy project fight back on the idea of the Bill of Rights not being inclusive on undocumented immigrants.

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