Research Databases

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Google was the first search engine that I used to find information on my topic for all of my compositions because it was simple to use and I was very familiar with it. It offered many popular sources that had great information but many of the sources were missing important information such as an author or date of publication so they weren't as credible as scholarly sources. Unfortunately, I struggled to find scholarly sources using Google so I decided to use other research databases to find them.

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One research database that I used to find scholarly sources was Google Scholar. I learned about this database during my time in a technology and research course and it was just as easy to use as the "regular" Google search engine so I had no trouble finding scholarly sources with this. However, not many peer reviewed journals and articles discussed my exact topic. Instead, most of the article topics that showed up using this database only connected to my topic. For example, I attempted to find information on wildlife conservation centers in Thailand but many articles that came up in my search discussed wildlife conservation centers in other countries such as Africa. The information, sometimes, did overlap so I was able to use them in some way but I wanted more detailed information on my topic so I used another database.

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JSTOR is another research database that I learned about in my prior technology and research course. It includes many peer reviewed/scholarly articles and journals that one would, normally, have to pay for but because it is partnered with many colleges and universities such as UCI, it offers them at no cost. Using this database, I was able to find some useful articles that I incorporated into my papers but, of course, I encountered the same problem as I had using Google Scholar where not many of the articles I found related to my topic exactly.

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