HCP Reflection

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HCP Reflection

For my HCP, I think I didn’t really refer to any historical inquiry, which is a large part of the problem. I included little bits of history like comparing the past to the present but I didn’t really present or describe the problem in history. I wanted to include more history in the project but I think I lacked the research to explicitly write about it historically. I was able to find more about the recent past. From the historical context, I also really wanted to relate medical malpractice with Henrietta Lacks’ case of malpractice, relating it to medical ethics. But as I researched I found more of an overview of many instances of different types of medical malpractice not just the specific kind that Henrietta Lacks faced, so I decided to write more on the overview than specifically on one type.

As for my multi-modals, my HCP multi-modals consisted of images and graphs. I found that using graphs was a better way to show my problem and to show what was the largest cause of my problem. I feel that I used most effectively when I talked about using video games to train surgeons, where I compared the tools a surgeon uses in laparoscopic surgery to a video game controller. Using images to show the tools and then different controllers lets the reader see the similarities and not just imagining it in their head. For my multi-modals though, I wish I used different types of sources, like a video of maybe a surgeon who talked about how much using video games helped improve their accuracy. I think including a first hand account like that would have been much more effect than just showing images or stating it in my paper.

            Also one thing I kind of struggled with this essay was the research. I think it’s slightly related to the topic I chose, I also think I was a little closed minded, as in I was looking for sources that specifically said what I was looking for. I think the blocked off some of the discovery part of my research. I think that by being alittle more closed-minded also made researching more difficult. For the AP, I hope to be more open-minded and to change gears if needed.

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