Self Assessment

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My writing process usually starts with outlining main topics that I want to discuss. I find that when I do this, the paragraphs in my essay seem to transition more smoothly and overall makes it more organized. After finishing the outline, I will start on a rough draft of the introduction paragraph. Personally, I like to start with the introduction because it is not too hard and gets me on stable footing, which I like a lot especially when it is a big project. Usually, I will write the rest of the essay in the order of my outline. When I am finished, I go back and check for any errors and cut away parts of the essay that I think do not contribute that much.

Making an Outline - YouTubeImage from Youtube: TSRA Official

Before this class, I took the WR 37 class. Initially, I did not think that I could improve too much in writing because I have been writing and speaking this language for over 19 years. However, through WR 37 I learned new habits and techniques. This includes identifying a rhetor, the rhetor's purpose, and the intended audience that the piece of writing is being directed towards. Using these techniques, I could analyze a piece of writing more easily, which made it easier to write an essay about it. In addition, I learned techniques to critically read and annotate so I could be actively engaged instead of just mindlessly reading whatever is assigned.

Unit 2: Active Reading for Comprehension - KNILT Image from KNILT

I would say that WR 37 has greatly influenced how I communicate outside of school. I never really thought too much about it before WR 37, but it really would not make sense to communicate through an email to a professor or a lab report the same way I would talk to a friend. In WR 37, I learned that every piece of writing is directed towards an intended audience and thinking about who the audience is greatly influences the strategies that will be used

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