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Hello and welcome to my portfolio! My name is Brandon Sullivan and I'm a second year student, currently undeclared. In here we have an assembly of my work of the quarter in Writing 39C. The portfolio contains both a reflective introduction that explains my progress throughout the quarter as well as the work in which I have done in (somewhat) chronological order. The topic I chose for this quarter was reigning in big tech, specifically, how Apple has been using anti-competitive strategies in order to monopolize their app store. The work over the quarter can be divided into two main areas. The first area is about what my topic is and why it is an issue. The second area explains a potential advocacy plan for my issue and compares and contrasts it to other solutions in the field.

Big Tech' isn't one big monopoly – it's 5 companies all in different  businesses

I believe it is important to learn about these kinds of issues as tech has a very large impact on our modern lives and being educated in the ways big tech companies conduct their business can be vital going into the future!

Below is a table of contents that can be used to navigate between the different pages. 


Table of Contents

I. Reflective Introduction

II. Week 1 Self Assessment

III. Contexts Project

IV. Advocacy Project

V. Miscellaneous Artifacts

VI. Praise Our Lord and Savior

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Page Comments

Kevin Benjamin Esparza
Jun 2, 2022 at 6:33pm
Nothing has been written yet but I can see your images. I think capybaras are glorious as well.

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