I'll admit that my writing process is not necessarily the most efficient nor best. Usually I start writing whatever comes to my mind and continue doing so with little to no thought on whether it makes sense. Then, I try to organize it to where other people understand it. Lastly, I add some transitions into my writing to add more style.

Although I've been writing papers for various classes for years now, none of the processes that the teachers/professors made us do would work for me. As a result, my writing process has evolved into a "go with the flow" mentality. Even though my process is not the best, it has yet to backfire on me so I'm sure I will inevitably implement it into this course. Usually, when I tell my instructors that I "go with the flow," they tend to think that I mean that I do everything last minute and pray that the work I submit is good enough, but this isn't the case. What I mean by "going with the flow" is that I have no set drafts, no set mindset, and no set rules on anything. Of course effort still goes into the work!

The only other writing class I've taken here at UCI is Human 1AS. Not going to lie, my experience in that class pushed me away from writing. I used to doubt myself much less than how I do now. I hope that instead of pushing me even further from writing that this class will remind me why I liked writing to begin with which is the freedom and creativity of writing. Unlike other classes (like chemistry and math, which only have one right answer), writing is more complex and have a multitude of perspectives. My favorite type of writing would have to be argumentative writing