Course Syllabus

Lecture: MWF   11:00-11:50 RH306  

Lecturer: Michiel F Kosters 
Phone: (949) 824-0971
Office Location: 410X Rowland Hall
Office Hours: ?

Grader: Xiaowen Zhu
Office Location: 420 Rowland Hall


Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Jan 8 L: (7.1, 7.2, 7.3), 7.4 L: 7.4, 7.5 L: 7.6, 8.1
Jan 15 HOLIDAY L: 8.1, 8.2
7.3: 33* (challenge: find short proof, assume 1 in R), 34 
7.4: 11, 23, 37
7.5: 2 (0 not in D), 6
7.6: 1, 5, 7


L: 8.3
Jan 22 L: 8.3, 9.1, 9.2

L: 9.3, 9.4
Homework: Homework_2.pdf

L: 9.4, 9.5
Jan 29 L: 10.1

L: 10.2
Homework: Homework_3.pdf

No 4-5 pm office hour

L: 10.3
Feb 5 L: Office hour (in lecture hall)
(NO OFFICE HOUR in afternoon)
L: Go practice (office hour)
Midterm, 4-6 pm, SH 174,
Material: up to and including 10.3; exam will be 8 questions similar to a qual.
L: talk about midterm, 10.5 (only exact sequences, up to page 385)
Feb 12 L: 10.4 (see Chapter 4 of Link)

L: 10.4
Homework: Homework_4.pdf

L: 12.1

L: 12.1, 12.2
Homework: Homework_5.pdf (fixed error in in ex 10.4.8)

L: 12.3
Feb 26 L: 13.1 L: 13.2
Homework: Homework_6.pdf
L: 13.4
March 5 L: 13.5 L: 13.6, in NS2 4201 L: REVIEW
Homework: Homework_7.pdf
March 12

L: (linear) Math230b_Linear_Algebra_Exam_Problems.pdf  6, 9, 11
(fields) Math230b_Qualifying_Exam_Problems_Fields.pdf
, 3, 4

L: (linear) 4, 17, 20,
(fields) 6, 7, 10
L: (linear) 19 
(fields) 8, 13, 16, 17
March 19

EXAM 8:00-10:00am
In RH 440R

Qual requirements

Old Qual

Website 230A, we start at page 246

Book: The primary textbook will be Abstract Algebra, Third Edition, by D. Dummit and R. Foote. Errata. We might use some other sources.

Grading policy: 20% homework,  25% midterm, 55% final.

Homework:  You are encouraged to work together, but you should write down the solutions yourself. Also, acknowledge any sources, except Dummit and Foote. Write down names of collaborators.

Midterm: We will try to have a 2 hour midterm if possible.


* Short proof of 33a: 

If $f=\sum_{i} a_i x^i$ such that $a_0 \in R^*$ and $a_i$ nilpotent for $i>0$, then $f$ is invertible with inverse $1/f=1/a_0 \sum_{i=0}^{\infty} (a_0-f)^i$, which is a polynomial since $a_0-f$ is nilpotent.

Conversely, if $f \in R[X]$ is a unit, then for any prime ideal $P \subset R$ the element $f \pmod{P}$ is a unit, that is, $f \mod{P}$ is a constant. Hence the constant term of $f$ does not lie in any prime ideal, that is, it is a unit, and the other terms lie in all prime ideals, and hence are nilpotent. 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due