Course Syllabus


What: Are you a PhD student or postdoc in the school of engineering, interested in exploring a path to an academic career? Do you want to learn more about what the faculty job is about? What does the academic job search consist of? How to better prepare yourself for it? Do you need help polishing your application materials? 

This seminar series aims to provide information in an informal setting, demystify the faculty job and the academic job search process, create a community, and point you to available resources. This is not a course for credit.

When: Second Thursday of every month, 1-2pm, throughout AY 2023-24. Coffee and cookies at 12:45pm.

Where: ISEB 1200. 

Who should attend: Ph.D students, and postdocs, in the School of Engineering, considering an academic career. 

Organizer: Athina Markopoulou, Associate Dean for Graduate and Professional Studies (GPS). With help from Marilyne Tamayo and Enmanuel Gallardo.

Tentative schedule will be updated throughout the quarter. If you want access to the rest of this canvas page, please fill out this interest form  and we will add you.  

Date Activity Materials & Opportunities

Thu, Oct 12, 2023 

Kickoff : Seminar Overview & Goals (A. Markopoulou) [slides]

Special Guest: Dean Magnus Egerstedt 


Thu, Nov 9, 2023 

1-2pm: Faculty Panel: Experiences from Faculty Life 

Confirmed Panelists: Michelle Khine, Dimitri Papamoschou, Maxim Shcherbakov, Lee Swindlehurst, and Iryna Zenyuk

[15min BREAK]

2:15-2:45 pm:  Faculty Hiring Information Session

by Interim Dean Thomas Piechota,  Chapman University




Chapman Faculty Recruitment Public Flyer

Thu, Dec 14, 2023

Campus Resources for Career Development:

Kayleigh Anderson, Graduate and Postdoctoral Career Development, Graduate Division [Slides]

Jennifer Olsen Ellinger, A2i (Accelerate to Industry), Graduate Division [Slides]

Joanne Ly,  GPS-STEM [Slides]


Career Dev & Fellowships


Thu, Jan 11, 2024

1-1:30pm: Teaching-Focused Faculty Pathways

Presentation by Natascha Buswell [Slides]

1:30-2pm: Professors of Teaching Panel 

Panel: Natascha Buswell, Salma Elmalaki, Joel Lanning, and Mark Walter

Intro slides

Thu, Feb 8, 2024

Academic Job Search Process: The Hiring Perspective

Panel: Magnus Egerstedt (Dean),  Faryar Jabbari (Ass. Dean for Academic Personnel), Regina Ragan (MSE), Julián Rimoli (Dept Chair, MAE), Lee Swindlehurst (Dept Chair, EECS).

Session 5 Flyer

Session 5 Recording



Thu, Mar 14, 2024

Writing a Research Statement [Slides]

1-1:30pm: Presentation and Panel

Athina Markopoulou, Aparna Chandramowlishwaran (Associate Professor, EECS), Perry Johnson (Assistant Professor, MAE), Helen Lee (SSoE Director of Research). 

1:30-2pm: Writing Clinic

Bring your draft (CV &) research statement and get feedback.

Session 6 Flyer



more Links 

Thu, Apr 11, 2024

Writing a Teaching Statement by DTEI 

Crafting Your Creed: How to Write an Effective Teaching Statement [Slides]

Presentation by: Alexander Bower, Educational Development Specialist for Graduate Students & Postdocs, DTEI

Session 7 Flyer

Session 7 Recording

Thu, May 9, 2024

UCI Graduates Panel:  PhD and Postdocs, who graduated from UCI and went on to pursue academic careers, share their experience.

Emiliano De Cristofaro, CS, UCR;  Andria Farrens, MAE, UCI;  Antonios Mamalakis, Data Science, UV;  Beverly Quon, CSE, CSUSB;  Hulya Seferoglu, EECS, UIC;  Melinda Simon, BME, CSUSJ.

Session 8 Flyer


Session 8 Recording

Thu, June 13, 2024

No seminar -- finals week - have a nice summer!

Take the Survey


Course Summary:

Date Details Due