Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) Seminar Series: AY 24-25

GPS_PFF_Banner AY24-25-1.png

Why: Are you a PhD student or postdoc in the school of engineering, interested in exploring a path to an academic career? Do you want to learn more about what the faculty job is about and if it right for you? What does the academic job search consist of? How to better prepare yourself for it? Do you need advice or feedback on your application materials? 

What: This seminar series aims to provide information in an informal setting, demystify the faculty job and the academic job search process, create a community, and point you to available resources. The format will include a combination of presentations, panels, and writing clinics. This is the second time we offer this seminar series.  Last year's materials can be found at PFF AY 23-24.  This is not a course for credit. 

When: Second Thursday of every month, 3-4pm. Coffee and cookies at 2:45pm.

Where: ISEB 1200 or EH 2430 (check for the particular date)

Who should attend: Ph.D students, and postdocs, in the School of Engineering, considering an academic career. Students at any year of their PhD are welcome.  The earlier you think about how to build a strong academic profile, the better position you will find yourself in at graduation time. For example, students in early years of their Ph.D. can benefit from sessions on writing , fellowships, how to do research etc. Students in later years and/or about to graduate can benefit from advice on preparing their application materials.

Organizers: Athina Markopoulou, Associate Dean for Graduate and Professional Studies (GPS) and Aparna Chandramowlishwaran, Acting Associate Dean for GPS (Fall 2024). With support from Marilyne Tamayo, Engineering Staff. See Graduate and Professional Studies (GPS) in SSoE.

Canvas Page and Sign up: The schedule will be updated throughout the quarter and materials (slides, links, announcements) will be shared through this canvas page.  We ask that you please fill out this interest form ✍🏻 Links to an external site.for two reasons. (1) So that we give you access to this canvas page. (2) To customize the materials to the needs of this year's cohort. 

Schedule: The tentative schedule can be found below and it will be updated throughout the quarter. For  reference, last year's materials can be found at PFF AY23-24 .

Date Activity Materials  Posted
Thu, Oct 10, 2024 

Kickoff : PFF Overview & Goals

A. Markopoulou [slides]

Special Guest: Magnus Egerstedt, Dean of Engineering

Location: ISEB 1200

Interest Form Links to an external site.

Kickoff Flyer


Thu, Nov 14, 2024 


Thriving vs. Surviving in Graduate School

Aparna Chandramowlishwaran [slides]

Location: Eng. Hall 2430, Colloquia

"How to have a bad career in academia":

D. Patterson's talk, grad student Links to an external site. version.

Session 2 Flyer

Thu, Dec 12, 2024 

Research Communication

Guest Speaker: Prof. Natascha Buswell [Slides, Recording]

Location: ISEB 1200

Session 3 Flyer

Thu, Jan 16, 2025

(date change from 1/9)

Academic Job Search: The Hiring Perspective -Part I

Presentation by Athina Markopoulou [slides]

Panel: Ty Christoff-Tempesta (MSE), Magnus Egerstedt (Dean of Engineering), Michelle Digman (Chair, BME),  Lee Swindlehurst (Chair, EECS). 

Location: Eng. Hall 2430, Colloquia

Session 4 Flyer
Thu, Feb 13, 2025 No Seminar this month. 
Thu, March 13, 2025

Academic Job Search: The Hiring Perspective - Part II

Panel: Stacy Copp (MSE), Julián Rimoli (MAE), Wendy Liu (BME), Diego Rosso (CEE), Han Li (BME)

Location: ISEB 1200


Course Summary:

Date Details Due