RIP Model Discussion

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A diary of a fictional people living under sea in the comic Doctor Eleven

RIP model title and author:

A mobile game Lifeline. Three Minutes Games.


no link, its a mobile game

1. Based on the example and your own conception of your audience, construct an audience profile for your audience (define both audiences if you have two):

A. Demographics: people who love scientific fiction/people who have read Station Eleven

B. Activities: They like exploring the mental activity of human some special environment

C. Interests: scientific fiction

D. Opinions: Other's experience they couldn't have may evoke their thinking

E. Values: They like imagining from the perspective of people in the science fiction to satisfy themselves

2. Based on the example and your own plan for your project, construct a genre profile for your text: 

A. Genre, subgenre: Science fiction, which information is provided by piece of information

B. Generic conventions (at least 4): First personal tone, intermittent plot, unreal things recorded by words, conversational form

C. Audience expectations (at least 2): they want to engage in the experience of the character, or try to think from the perspective of the characters

D. Genre’s rhetorical purpose: make audiences feels nervous for the characters and plot, in the other words, build sympathy on them

E. Your text’s rhetorical purpose: To make people have deep thinking of the theme of the book Station Eleven. Thinking about why Mandel create this comic with this setting, and what's the meaning of those different people in the comic

3. Describe the stylistic characteristics of your example:

A. Sentence length: short sentence with essential information

B. Word-types (e.g. technical, jargon-y, slang) (list a few examples):oral-documentary type

C. Visual elements (e.g. color, space in layout):hand-writing and old manuscript

4. Describe the ethos of the author of your example.

Game maker try to model a character with ordinary passion. He will be afraid, curious or encourage himself with optimistic thoughts in some dangerous situation. The time gaps between each information players get are also reasonable with different plot and the real life time. These makes the game seems more realistic and build sympathy much easier.

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Yuxuan Liang
Mar 17, 2017 at 11:59pm
In this RIP model discussion, people can see the progress I come up with some idea about how to create the text based on learning from the model text I chose. I found some common points first like context(some place in the space far away from Earth), character (a monologue from one character) or genre and intended audience(both can conclude into science fiction and audience may people like experiencing the special thing they cannot experience in their daily life) in order to decide how I build ethos or what tone is the most effective in my text of my project.

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