Working Drafts

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Working Draft #1: Outline

Instead of writing a traditional draft, I decided to create an outline for the first draft after Dr. Way gave permission to. Since first drafts are never really the same as the final draft, I thought that creating an outline would be faster and a lot more simple when arranging and organizing thoughts and information. Here I explored all kinds of policies and findings, including the wide range of information I found during my research. I wanted as many choices as possible because I knew that I may not be able to find enough information on some to write a good quality paper, and having other policies would allow me to have backups. Although I did keep some of these policies and information, many of them were excluded form the second draft because after my AP presentation and peer review, Dr. Way and my peers suggested that I focused more specific policies that were more promising. This was great advice because instead of finding more information on a variety of policies, I was able to focus my time on finding good information on specific ones that were better (quality over quantity).


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Working Draft #2

In my second draft, many of the revisions I needed to make were more structural and organization than anything else which mean that my writing was improving. Although I did still have trouble finding strong evidence to support some of my claims, my claims were a lot more clear in my AP than those in my HCP. One aspect of the AP that I did struggle on during this second draft was the integration of sources. because I wasn't very sure about how to integrate them into my paper. Also, in my second draft, I weeded out a lot of information and claims that I originally had in my first draft/outline to focus better on more promising claims and evidence.

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