Raising the Barre!

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Welcome to my ePortfolio for Writing 39C! This portfolio documents my journey as a writer through this rigorous composition class. As the picture above should notify, I am a dancer. And oddly enough (well odd to me at least), the creative process of writing and preparing that final draft is quite similar to that of preparing for a performance. A blank page is the starting point, much like a stage. Similar to marking the stage for the center, corners, and anyplace the dancer must specifically land, a thesis and outline is born. Prior to writing the first draft, preparation on background research must be done, like picking a song for a routine. Then the messy, organic, raw creative process begins, whether it be drafting a paper or choreographing a dance. Through preparation and working out the kinks, finally the essay and routine are ready for their debut through publishing and performing, respectively. Through my progress in this class I’ve developed higher expectations of myself and raised the barre.

I established my credibility as a writer in this class by truly finding my voice. Being able to educate others on a topic that I am passionate about, contrasted my expectations from this class. I expected to show up, write, turn in papers, and take part in interesting discussions during class. Because Writing 39B did not leave me with a significant impact, I categorized Writing 39C in that same box without looking at the contents. I’ve learned to research, develop public speaking skills, articulate myself without fear, and learned about the complex world of healthcare through my own research as well as my peers. My portfolio is now complete and contains all the steps that it took to become the writer I am today. So I hope you enjoy the show!

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TABLE OF CONTENTS: Raising the Barre

First Position

Reflective Introduction

Second Position

Historical Conversations Project

Third Position

Advocacy Project

Fourth Position

Annotated Bibliography


Extra Assignments

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And then writing became her art.

Blank pages transformed into her dance floor.

And she emerged as the choreographer.

And whatever she creates

comes from the heart.

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