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Reader Response #5

1) Creativity-pg94- “it enthusiastifies them”

2) The author makes the word”enthusiastifies” up, to make it reasonable and understandable for the readers.

3) This choice is successful in this passage because it makes the word more energetic and interesting by inventing a new word.


1) Evidence context-pg94- “Multiple inflection typically gives…”

2) The author provides description and explanation to let readers understand more about the idea he’s trying to convey.

3) This choice is effective because the readers can get into the author’s point when reading unfamiliar concepts or abstract ideas.


1) Evidence-pg93- “You also acquire the sensation that somebody has believed this story. That's called conviction, and it may be pleasant or unpleasant." 

2) The author provides an example of convincing a reader of one of his written stories and names the method “conviction”.

3) He proposed how he achieved his goals and logically explained the effects of his approach.

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