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Congratulations to making it this far in my e-portfolio! As we come to an end, I want to leave a few things I learned from this course and will use in other courses. Overall, I really enjoyed this course and the theme, which was suburban gothic. This class really broadened  my horizons when it comes to close reading and genre as a whole. I had no idea about the different types of genre and the sub-genres that are inside of them. After learning about close reading and critical thinking, it's all I do when I read any text. This has both helped and hurt me. It has made more observant but at the same time it has made me a slower reader. It is so amazing at the little details that you can observe when close reading or watching something. I also learned that I am not a bad writer but just need to look closer at the requirements and what type of essay it is I am writing. I hope take all of this information and take it to the next writing class and other classes! 

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