Annotated Bibliography

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Tongze Mao

MLA Citation: 

Wanlund, William. "Climate Change and National Security." CQ Researcher, 22 Sept. 2017, pp. 773-96,

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William Wanlund argues that governments should tighten emissions standards and encourage the growth of renewable energy use. He backs up his thesis with research from an international panel of scientists and the arguments of environmental advocates. His goal is to convince people that air pollution is deadly. The target audience for this paper is politicians, as William is trying to get policy about the environment changed.


MLA Citation: 

Butcher, Lola. "Climate Change and Health." CQ Researcher, 29 Nov. 2019, pp. 1-29,

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Lola Butcher believes that a warming planet is a threat to human health. Her aim is to convince people that climate change is a major threat. The target audience for this article is politicians, as Lola mentions the threats of climate change on many aspects, which can only be improved by changing policies regarding the environment.


MLA Citation: 

Weeks, Jennifer. "Climate Change." CQ Researcher, 14 June 2013, pp. 521-44,

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Jennifer Weeks believes that the effects of climate change are steadily becoming more visible on a global scale. She gathers the findings of scientists and looks at the establishment of laws on climate change. Jennifer's goal is to convince people that climate change is a serious problem. The target audience for this article is the owners of power plants and other sources that emit greenhouse gases, as the authors specifically explain many of the policies involved.


MLA Citation: 

Glazer, Sarah. "Endangered Species." CQ Researcher, 17 Dec. 2021, pp. 1-30,

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Sarah Glazer argues that about one million species are threatened with extinction in the coming decades. She uses cutting-edge research from scientists and experts to support her argument. Her goal is to convince people that climate change is a cause for concern and that it is to blame for the extinction of many species. The target audience for this article is politicians, as Glazer is trying to bring about policy change on climate change.


MLA Citation: 

Adams, Jill U. "Air Pollution and Climate Change." CQ Researcher, 13 Nov. 2015, pp. 961-84,

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Jill U. Adams argues that air pollution kills 3.3 million people worldwide each year. She uses the research of an international panel of scientists, as well as the words of environmental advocates, to support her argument. Her goal is to convince people that governments should tighten emissions standards and that growth in the use of renewable energy is important. The target audience for this paper is politicians and owners of large factories. Because their policies and actions can greatly affect the rate of global warming, and the analysis in this paper is related to their policies.


MLA Citation: 

Ellicott, Val. "Climate Change." CQ Researcher, 25 Oct. 2021,

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Val Ellicott argues that emissions of carbon dioxide and other earth-warming gases from the burning of fossil fuels are to blame for the climate catastrophe. He uses warnings from leading international bodies that study climate change to support his argument. His goal is to convince people that states should get rid of these fuels that cause global warming, and should urge other countries to do the same. The target audience for this article is politicians as well as entrepreneurs. Because they are the ones who can really make decisions about the type of global energy use.


MLA Citation: 

Shindell, Drew, et al. “Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Health, Labor, and Crop Benefits of Climate Change Mitigation in the United States.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 118, no. 46, Nov. 2021. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1073/pnas.2104061118.

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Shindell et al. argue that the societal benefits of climate change mitigation are obtained through multiple pathways. They examine the effects of changes in U.S. emissions on several factors affected by climate and air quality responses, and use this as evidence to support their argument. Their goal is to convince people that the benefits of reducing global warming are substantial, even greater than the benefits of improving air quality. The target audience for this article is climate scientists as well as politicians, as their article has a lot of specialized vocabulary that the average person does not read.


MLA Citation: Marshall, Patrick. "Disaster Readiness." CQ Researcher, 12 Jan. 2018, pp. 25-48,

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Annotation: Patrick Marshall argues that these extreme disasters have put serious pressure on FEMA, raising questions about the government's ability to respond to natural disasters, as scientists say these disasters are becoming more frequent and severe due to climate change. He uses the words of experts as well as the policies and appeals of politicians to support his argument. His goal is to convince his audience that preparing for natural disasters in advance is necessary. The target audience for this article is politicians, as Marshall is trying to get relevant policies changed.


MLA Citation: Lyons, Christina L. "Climate Change." CQ Researcher, 21 Dec. 2020,

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Annotation: In her report, Christina L. Lyons reports on what government politicians are doing about climate change. She uses the policies of politicians like Biden and the consensus among government leaders around the world as evidence in her report. Her goal is to inform her audience about what policies governments around the world are making for climate change. The target audience for this paper is the average person who wants to learn about policies related to climate change.


MLA Citation: Ornes, Stephen. "Extreme Weather." CQ Researcher, 20 Sept. 2019, pp. 1-30,

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Annotation: In his article, Stephen Ornes discusses whether initiatives such as the financially challenged National Flood Insurance Program should continue to fund repeated rebuilding in disaster-prone areas during extreme weather. He uses the words of climate scientists and real extreme weather events as evidence. His goal is to make the reader aware of the troubling conditions he gathers and to reflect on them. The target audience for this article is government officials, as only they can decide whether to continue funding the reconstruction of disaster areas.


MLA Citation: Vock, Daniel C. "Rebuilding America's Infrastructure." CQ Researcher, 4 June 2021, pp. 1-29,

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Annotation: In his article, Daniel C. Vock emphasizes that America's infrastructure should be rebuilt. He supports his argument with real-life examples, as well as evidence that politicians have made calls for it. His goal is to convince the audience that the United States needs to rebuild its infrastructure in order to deal with racial inequality and climate change. The target audience for this paper is government officials, as they are the ones who decide whether or not infrastructure should be rebuilt.

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