Week 1 Self Assessment

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Week 1 self assessment

During high school I had a very straightforward way of going about writing assignments. I never liked outlining and didn't like giving/receiving feedback. I thought that essays were easiest when I did them by myself and I had some pride in that I guess. Starting about senior year I finally began trying to do more outlining and looking over feedback more often. This would increase upon hitting college as reading feedback became almost necessary to make a well rounded final product. Same goes for outlining as well as drafting. Both are actually helpful in constructing written works when you know how to go about making them. While I do know how to make them somewhat, I'm still not completely comfortable in drafting and outlining yet, making those skills I would like to improve on this quarter.

I have only taken one writing class so far here at UCI. That being said, it was a fun class and I feel as though I have improved my writing substantially due to it. As far as official academic works, my most recent essay on wildfire prevention and control in my home town has been one of my best and received 100/100 on the final. I believe that writing 39B may have had a strong influence on this achievement. I have learned to approach writing assignments in a more organized way and have really been able to get down the format of thesis statements, body paragraphs, summarizing, sourcing, etc. I have also learned the importance of making drafts and outlines for larger writing tasks. It helps incredibly in not only making the writing for the actual final product easier, but also in helping it be more concise. Outside of school, I feel like I have a tendency to look further into credible sources to back up claims I would make to myself or top others. I also was able to construct a job outline using skills I've learned from writing classes in the past. Aside from that however, I don't apply my writing 39 knowledge too much out of the classroom. 


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