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In the spring quarter, I was fortunate enough to study Writing 39B under the guidance of Professor Clontz. I have learned a lot about the topic of climate change and how it has affected different places all over the world. This course really opened my eyes to the different ways that places are affected by climate change. Since the term was coined "global warming" that's what people see. Temperatures rising, hotter days, less water, and more droughts. That's what I thought. But that is not necessarily the case. There are also more storms, more floods, and other terrible weather events. I learned this through the multimodal climate story project. There were many climate stories that were introduced all over the world and some met my beliefs. There was one based in Alaska that talked about how the hotter temperatures are melting the ice and changing ice caves in the area every year. Every year it's almost a completely new cave. And one of my classmates opened my eyes to other things like Floods. He talked about how china deals with floods now because of climate change and how destructive and deadly they can be. But this class has done much more than just inform me on climate change. The biggest thing I remember is when I was in a discussion with Professor Clontz and we were discussing "The Grandchild Paradox" by David Thron. We were talking about the scene where Kimmy and the protagonist were discussing things about having a child, and Professor Clontz said, "well to me it seems like Kimmy is already pregnant". My mind was blown, I was totally caught off-guard. But then she explained why and it totally made sense. She looked at the text and interpreted it totally differently than I did and it was insane to me. It really made me look at not only this story differently, but other stories as well. I now look deep into why authors used specific wording as opposed to other ways they could've worded it. Authors are very smart and do everything for a reason and that was something that I finally learned in this class. With the multimodal stories, this class made me understand that telling a story isn't just about words. It's about the feeling that you give the audience through pictures, voices, and sometimes videos. It's all about the way you say things and the way that you write them. You can hear more emotion when someone speaks and the way they say it could completely change the meaning of the definition of the saying right then and there. You can read the transcript and interpret it one way, but then you hear them say it and it completely changes. Telling a story is more important than just the words on a piece of paper. It's how the words are used, how they flow together, and why they are used that way. 
All in all, in Writing 39B, Professor Clontz taught me many things including how to be a more critical reader, look at words as more than just ink or pixels, and really tell a story the proper way... through emotion and feelings. It gave me a better understanding when I read stories, but also helped me tell my own with my Genre Analysis essay and Multi-modal climate story.

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