Week 3

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The “Tamarisk Hunter” is a climate fiction story that speaks about how our environment is negatively affected by industrialization. It uses our main character Lolo to portray the affect that a lack of water has had on people's everyday lives. It shows ways that people have changed their whole way of living because of the scarcity of water. Our main character Lolo is a "Tamarisk Hunter", as his job is to go down to the river banks and cut down Tamarisk bushes in order to savor the water supply. Lolo also has a trick up his sleeve though as we replants the Tamarisk in order to have it grow back so he always has something to cut down to make more profit. His job literally revolves around that face that there is a water shortage. So at the end of the story when he is told that his way of living no longer is sustainable, he denies it as he believes that his way of living is the only successful and full proof way him and his family will survive. This story has made me more thankful for what I have and I don't take as many simple things like clean water for granted.

In the article "L.A's Path to Independence from Imported Water", the author speaks about how the drought and water shortage, similar to that in "The Tamarisk Hunter". So both pieces of writing talk about similar things, while one is fiction, and the other is non-fiction. The article really opens readers eyes to understand that "The Tamarisk Hunter" isn't all that far away. If we get into a bad drought we very well could be in that very situation before we know it, and it really goes to show that while some information may seem like an extreme case, or doesn't seem to be relevant in the near future, it very well can sneak up on us if we don't do something about it. Much like climate change and global warming.

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