Prewriting ePortfolio #3

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The revise and editing portion of the essay writing process is probably the most annoying part of composing an essay for me. It is hard for me to judge and see problems in my own writing which usually ends up making the final version worse. The chart above shows what is considered editing and what is considered revising, and I believe I am definitely worse at revising because taking out sentences and adding other ones can feel tedious and unsatisfactory.

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One comment that was made from both a peer and from my professor is to not end a paragraph with a quotation. This is because this can be seen as an incomplete or underdeveloped thought. I had about 3 paragraphs that ended with a quotation instead of my own commentary, so during the redrafting process, I paid extra attention to making sure to always end with my own thoughts. Another comment that I paid attention to is my professor saying that by the end of my essay, he did not know what exactly I was arguing. This is obviously a huge issue that I had to fix because an essay without an argument is not going to pass. I spent hours trying to make my argument flow better between paragraphs after reading this comment. I think ultimately I did well with fixing the first comment, as none of my paragraphs ended with someone else’s ideas, but I think I could have done better for the other suggestion on making the argument more coherent. This is because, although the argument did flow better in my final draft than the first draft, I still felt as if I could have made it better by explaining my train of thought more.

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This graph, "Percent of Americans Ages 12-17 Who Had at Least One Major Depressive Episode in the Past Year," which was made by the U.S. National Survey on Drug Use and Health, is the reason why I decided to chose this topic for my Context Project. Had I not seen this graph, I do not know whether I would pick this topic or not.

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The most significant source that I found in my research is Jonathan Haidt’s “The Dangerous Experiment on Teen Girls.” To me, it was the most important because it was the first source that I found that I decided to incorporate into my essay. At first, I did not know what exactly I wanted to write about, but then I read this article and I knew this is what I wanted my research to be about. What really stood out to me was the graph in the article that showed how many teens had a depressive episode each year and it was divided into boys and girls.


Something I am doing differently now that I finished my research for the CP is to take more time choosing my articles for the AP. For the CP, there were definitely some articles that I did not love, but I put them in anyway and hoped that it would work out. I assume this is because of how much time it takes to find good sources for my essay. 


 For the composition of the next essay, I think that I will take longer choosing my sources and a longer time editing the paper so this time the argument is more coherent and cohesive. I will do this by starting earlier on the paper compared to how long I gave myself for the CP.

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Throughout my research, I've learned that Instagram has historically been the most popular social media platform within teens.

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