RIP final project and essay

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I think the RIP project made me know more about the importance about audience and genre. I chose to write a news paper article, so I needed to follow the format as a real news paper, it was a big challenge for me, because I never wrote a article like a news paper article. So I went to search some article in New York Times, and understand what the articles talks about, and then followed their format to write my essay. Also because I chose to write a news paper article, so my audience are the people who read this news paper( New York Times), so I did a research of the target audience of New York Times, I found that most of the audience of New York Times are elite people, so my topic is good and helpful for them, because these part of people concern about the international events, and want to know the trend of globalization. 

I think I trained my critical reading and paraphrase skills from writing my RIP project. Because this project needed big amount of information about my topic, so I did a lot of searching in Internet. So I needed to understand each article I searched, and know what exactly it said. And then I could chose what I should use in my project. It was a big challenge for me, because some of the article was difficult for me to understand. Like this sentence, "And, most potent in the US, the red versus the blue states!"(Harry Dent, 2016) The first time I did not know what the red and blue states mean, and I searched in Google, found that blue states mean Clinton's supporters, and red states mean Trump's supporters. I face some difficulties like this one, and I finally overcome them, so I think I trained a lot for my critical reading and paraphrase skills by finishing this project.






By Ran Yi   DEC.1,2016

       The first thing, we need to know what actually globalization is. If you search in Google, the definition of globalization is  Globalization implies the opening of local and nationalistic perspectives to a broader outlook of an interconnected and interdependent world with free transfer of capital, goods, and services across national frontiers. However, it does not include unhindered movement of labor and, as suggested by some economists, may hurt smaller or fragile economies if applied indiscriminately. This is the academically definition of globalization, but it is too tedious and difficult to understand. Let me simplify it, the globalization is a phenomenon that make our world become one part, not like hundreds year before, people in one mainland thought the world just had their mainland and they could not contact with the people in other mainland. Globalization became successful from World War two, the globalization made many people feel different culture and realized the different between people in different countries. Companies have local, foreign and immigrants employs, also the schools. People have different cultures, complexions and religions, globalization made people all over the world aggregate at one place. And there is a important thing for globalization, many people get benefit from that, like myself, I went to American college, and got the best education here, so I was a beneficiary from globalization. Many people got benefits from globalization, but there are still big amount of people did not get benefit from globalization, or they got hurt from globalization, so these people do not like globalization. These people are big factor to make two big events happened this year, and there are two events could be good examples for anti-globalization.


Two Big Even Show That Anti-Globalization Is Coming

       The first important even was England exited European Union, the first time we heard that England was voting about exit to European Union, nobody thought that they would really exit the European Union. But the fact was, England really leaved European Union, why this happened? One most important thing is that people who did not get benefit from globalization and did not support globalization win. Like this time's vote.

       This time vote has big amount of query, nobody think that Trump could win this fight. One of the biggest different Trump and Hilary was that Hilary support globalization, but Trump did not.RIP 3.jpg

       From this time's vote distribution graph, we can see Hilary's support from the national or the big states, these state these states got good benefit from globalization. Like Los Angles, New York, San Francisco. These international cities has been changed to globalized, so Hilary got almost all people's support from these places, these people support globalization. The people who support Trump do not support globalization. These people are suffered from globalization and there has been long time that nobody or media help them. There is an example for a person who support Trump, from  International Daily News. Anthony Miskulin, 37 years old. Before Financial Tsunami, he got more than 100,00 dollars per year, but now he just got 260,00 dollars per year, and also he afford 570,00 dollars of debt. He support Trump's speech of building the walls on the national boards, he think that big amount of welfare in American has been taken from illegal immigrant. Here is a word from LA Times, I agree with the points from Mark Z. Barabak and Nigel Duara. Many Trump supporters belong to the latter America, an America of dislocation and loss: lost jobs, lost opportunities. A lost sense of belonging. A sense of no longer mattering.( Mark Z. Barabak and Nigel Duara, 2016) These supporters are hopeless and helplessness, they never got the benefits from globalization, even they got hurt from globalization, so why they vote for it? As I said before, globalization brought benefits for many people, but there are also big amount of people did not get benefits or even lost benefits, so divergence appeared. The results were these two biggest events happened this year. So there is a question, these things happened casual or inevitable? I think these happened inevitable, we can see it from the development of globalization.

Development of Globalization

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       From this graph, we can see that globalization became a high growth rate after World War two, and it had been decrease after 2008. The globalization start at 1500, five hundred years ago, but at first time, the growth rate of globalization was very small. The globalization bring high benefit and information exchange to people who are in high class, middle class, and live in cities, but the globalization did not bring any benefit for the people who are in poor class and the people live in remote areas. There is a real story in my country, one small village, called "xing fu village"(happiness village), the people live primitive lives at this place. They do not have computers and even electric in their own homes, the only electrical equipment was a old TV in their village head's home. So they live in a primitive lives like hundreds years before, they never get the benefit from globalization. The first period of the globalization boom was in the early 1850, steamers and trains lead this first fast growth of globalization, but this globalization boom ended at the first World War, and the globalization became depression until 1946, second globalization boom, the reason was Internet's develop. The time we live now, 2016. We can see it on the graph, it is a imaginary line, and it is a down slope. So the time we live now, it is a anti-globalization time, the two events I talked about before were two alarms to tell us the anti-globalization is coming.




Ran Yi

Professor Anandi

WR 39B

1 DEC, 2016

RIP essay

       I choose to write news article format for my RIP project, and I want to publish it in New York Times. The target audience for my project are young people, college graduates and high earner. These audiences are the same people who read New York Times, according to a research, "In a report released by Pew Research in 2012, 32 percent of those who regularly read the New York Times are less than the age of 30. Approximately 56 percent are college graduates and 38 percent are high-income earners."(Samchills,2015)This is a information from Internet, it shows that the most audience for New York Times are elite people, so they are interested to national events and financial development, I think my topic will attract them. I looked to some articles had published in New York Times, and I followed these articles' format to write my project, I think my project is very similar to the real articles which published in New York Times. The example I saw in New York Times had places to attract audiences, so I added some sentences in my project to attract audience, for example, " These supporters are hopeless and helplessness, they never got the benefits from globalization, even they got hurt from globalization, so why they vote for it?" I added some questions sentences to attract people. I think my project will make audiences know more clear about the development for globalization, and also let them know the future development for globalization, that will be very important for my audiences, because most of them are elite people, so they need to know the future situation for the world. The genre I chose is new article format, so I think the most important convention of my genre is showing my ideas, and give audiences a clear perspective. And the news paper article should be short and clear, because nobody want to read a two thousands paper in news paper, so the article should be short and could clearly talk about my purpose. So in my project, I paid attention to two points, first, I put some place to attract audience, second, I tried best to make my project become short and clear. I used one example to give evidence to my purpose to audience, this could make my project shorter and more clear. My purpose is let my audiences know more about the development of globalization, and let them know that anti-globalization is coming.

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